Saturday, April 25, 2009

Special! – “In lieu of the Week in Review" (11/2/07) by personal venus

really_mzungu randomly and senselessly stated that she might not be able to produce a week in review this week. In the spirit of all things RM, I give you RM's week (in review)

While RM reads every post on the board, she thankfully (for me) doesn't feel the need to post in each forum. That said, we'll start with The Victory

-RM's lone Victory post taught us that she didn't win the door decorating contest on S&D1, but her door did feature some pretty cool monkey postcards. And she was proud of it. I've never gotten a monkey postcard in the mail.

But this isn't all about me, it's all about really-mzungu. So, with that we are off to the Caribbean Lounge

-RM contended that most of us are certifiable nerds and possibly certifiable in other ways. I'm certifiable for attempting this. There is a lot of pressure here. And I'm just tracking one person's posts.

-Laurel is your go-to gal on all things Netflix. Well, maybe not all things, but she does know the ins and outs of "stolen DVD syndrome."

-Why don't we just give in and celebrate the Christmas season all year round? Silver Bells in April anyone?

-If RM can't convince her friend in Toronto to go see Jason Plumb on November 22nd, I might be available.

The Grand Buffet is where RM spends most of her time - and why not? That's where all her friends are, even if they are friends she never really sees...

-Laurel did however post a picture of herself with a friend who is not going on the cruise. Which is just as well since we probably don't want someone with such a big head standing in front of us during a concert.

-Over in the ABC thread, RM, the letter police, caught us not using both "Q" and "Y" again. She also had some interesting reasons for future employers to check on her resume references.

-She couldn't seem to escape from the phone booth. She was probably too busy already working on this week's Week In Review......

-It's cold in NYC and it sucks when you can't control your own heat.

-RM's parents have a dog with a great sense of humor. Maybe said dog can adds some posts to the Comedy Movie Quotes thread.

-Updating your resume might enable you to secure a job - even if it is a long shot. (unless prospective employers read the ABC thread )

-Someone please get RM some kettlecorn.

-Your choice in candy can tell you what your personality is like. If you're RM it means that you might have a personality disorder and be prone to wearing ostentatious clothing.

-Does your ability to procrastinate affect your intelligence level, or does your intelligence drive your desire to procrastinate? I'll get back to this later...

-Did RM and Michelle in WI make it to Rankin's house for trick or treating? Did Rankin even have any candy left, or did she eat it all?

-She may not have seen Mel Brook's "Silent Movie", but she knows enough about it to answer a trivia question.

-If you need to know what you get when you accidentally type "", you can ask Laurel.

-Someone please get RM some brownies.

I hope this teaches you a lesson, RM! You can either do your job dutifully, or subject these poor people to my inane ramblings.

All my love, PV

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