Thursday, April 16, 2009

More 2kids5cats than you can shake a stick at! (9/1/07)

:D :D :D

Another week. And who would have thought that so much could change in only 7 days(OK, 8, but we’re pretending that I did this yesterday)? Where once I was the highest poster, I am now but third, thanks to posting frenzies perpetuated by WildEagle and personal venus. It is indeed a different week. Unfortunately for me, this different week wasn’t so different in terms of how much you crazy people posted. So, without further ado…

The Seven Seas Lobby:

- Where unfolding has filled her cabin in what must be record time (3 days!).

- And Katiesue04 needs to fill the void left by one cabinmate who will unfortunately not be joining us in January.

But since most of you reading this already have accommodations at sea (or are planning to stow away in the equipment or something), we now move on to the Caribbean Lounge (I know it’s usually The Victory next, but it’s my week in review and I can randomly change the order anytime I want to. So there. I’ll probably go really crazy and recap the Buffet first next week. So watch out…):

- If you have an idea of what to call the supergroup consisting of ¾ of Guster and a couple of BNL percussion types, your contribution is welcome. Although I must retain my Stupid Elation allegiance as long as possible.

- The outpouring of shock and dismay at the future Thundergod non-presence was somewhat mitigated, at least for Garyrulez, by possible hints that Sixthman bases their communications on the postings of that amazing gentleman. For a full listing of all Garyisms, please read every topic ever posted on this board over the past year and a half.

- Although there are indications that they will be on the cruise, the idea of Oakhurst not being on the cruise inspired some rare anti-Oakhurst sentiment among a few members of this board.

- The Friendly Indians perform the Psych theme song. That’s really all I got from their Myspace page.

Not so much from that forum this week. Thank goodness – I have to leave for a message board gathering in just a little less than two hours and do not have time for such nonsense. Fortunately, it is now time to recap The Victory, where nonsense does not dare to tread:

- Marathons involve people running. Some people used to run. Some people run now. I fit into neither group. The running people of a marathon tend to make driving and hotel booking difficult. Which means we may all be staying out by the airport, at least if we follow Sixthman.

- 2kids5cats is bringing wristbands to the WA state gathering, which means we will all get ours before the rest of you. I told you that you should all come to this gathering!

- Excursions that don’t happen are refunded. This is probably good business sense.

- Martha has booked a cabin that is likely only a few doors down from mine. Yay Riviera Deck!

- It’s a little bit scary that flying to Florida from Boise can be as cheap as flying from New York. And there are many options for people, like those from Boise, who fly into Ft. Lauderdale instead of Miami. So many, in fact, that I’m going to make you actually read the thread, should you care to know what they are.

- If you come to the WA state gathering, starting in about 2 hours or so, you will get the chance to meet me. And other people. Who are probably cooler than me anyway.

- Flights where you have to change planes can cost more than direct flights. Fun how the universe often chooses not to make sense, isn’t it?

Booking hotels online is easy but a little confusing. The last time I did so, they totally charged me in advance for the room, so be careful when you do so…

- Carnival apparently has a big screen thing so that people on the Lido Deck and on the shore can watch Spiderman or Godzilla or Titanic or whatever. This may or may not be a good idea for our cruise, but I got lost amidst the reasons and am not sure.

- 2kids doesn’t know CayCay’s and Rankin’s addresses. The scary thing is that she knows all of the rest of ours…

- If you are a cool person who bought a wristband, you should be getting it soon. But not as soon as me!

- People who are not me spent the week working hard at finding cheap, good flights to Florida. People who are me did not.

- SoCal’s having a party today too, if you must miss the WA state one.

- Our illustrious Lauren is out of town for something like forever. Or maybe it just feels that way due to the vast emptiness left in our lives by her departure…

But wallowing in loss-of-Lauren grief never did anyone any good, so I’ll try to quickly (ha!) summarize the week that was in the Buffet:

- nvcatgut is still looking for people in Northern California. I’m sure there are some, somewhere.

- 2kids lost her Guster DVD. If you have it, you should probably give it back.

- Someone among 2kids’ top friends has a crush on her. In an amazing coincidence, it would appear that someone among my top friends has a crush on me too! Amazing how that works!

- bhogan’s town got hit by tornadoes. Fortunately, bhogan did not.

- We’re buying an island.

- I finally saw Stardust this week. Which makes me slower than many of you.

- There will be a new Guitar Hero soon. There will also be a game called Rock Band. Games like these are the rare ones that make me wish I played video games.

- WildEagle failed to rouse the Guys to chattiness about some sort of game between Canada and Russia.

- Vera Wang clothes seem like far more trouble to Kohl’s than they could possibly be worth. And now we all know what kind of sheets NikkiPoooo uses.

- Hedgehogs kind of look like hairbrushes.

- Sixthman asked us to vote for Carnival for some awards. Apparently it’s easy to do so. Apparently I am still too lazy…

- There’s a big fire in Idaho. Fires are scary.

- We did a pretty good job identifying band names from a picture. Although ShortAlaina seems to have done better on her own than the rest of us did collectively…

- If you’re worried about gaining enough weight before the cruise, we now have a thread to support your endeavors.

- Owen Wilson may have tried to kill himself. That totally sucks.

- Big Love and Dexter are both amazingly good shows that I want more of. And will not be getting any time soon…

- Naming movies from a picture was harder for me than naming bands. This does not make any sense.

- A guy in France strapped roughly a million wheels on a suit and proceeded to roll around Paris. Why is it that I can never come up with anything as cool as that???

- Bad translations of Chinese into English are available on ebay. Is there anything that site doesn’t have?

- Some of you still have record players. I don’t, although now I totally want that gizmo that transfers music to CDs.

- As he so often does, WildEagle provided us with still more stupid quotes.

- There were mixed reviews on Californication, which makes me feel a little better about not having Showtime.

- The scariest part of all of our first reactions to words was how similar many of our responses were. Possibly indicating that we all spend too much time chatting on this board…

- Hurricane Katrina was two years ago this week. People down there (or wherever they are these days) are still justifiably pissed off at the government and its leader.

- Mad Men and Burn Notice are two of the best things I’ve seen on TV in the past few years and should be watched by everybody. There are several other shows on cable this summer which may be good. I, however, haven’t watched them, so no opinions will be given here. But you should definitely watch Mad Men and Burn Notice.

- aggcards likes Wil Seabrook’s album, and NikkiPoooo has interesting associations with Dakota Moon.

- Some married people share e-mail addresses, credit cards, and bank accounts. Some do not. Some share some and not others. I guess whatever works for you…

- Garyrulez really likes the video of a woman getting hit in the face. It is strangely compelling…

- While it was amusing, I’m guessing you have to actually be a gamer to really get gamer humor.

- Bush gave a speech. I try to avoid those.

- 2kids met an old acquaintance that she used to have an attraction to. Some people who are not 2kids act inappropriately in such situations. I know these things make great movies, but I doubt they ever would work in any interesting way in real life.

- Space is weird, although cool discoveries make me almost wish I still studied astronomy.

- Quechup might not be legit, which shouldn’t be a huge shock with such an egregious spelling error in its name.

- Inconsiderate family members suck. Especially since you can’t ever really get rid of them.

- polyester_angel really needs to post about seeing BNL in Quebec, because the ABC game is otherwise stalled at Q.

- I don’t personally like beans on toast. Or spam. So this thread hasn’t been all that great for me. Although the oat cakes sounded good…

- PA went to a wedding! And her boobs didn’t fall out of her dress!

- They’re still talking about Big Brother. I’m still not reading the thread.

- The Barenaked Lads are naked. If you would like to learn about the tasty qualities and possible ingredients of paste and chalk dust, keep reading in this thread. But watch out for personal venus and her Vegan Police, unless you want to be a whipping boy like Garyrulez. No matter what, do watch the squirrel catapult video. We may all be going to Vegan Hell for it, but it’s so worth it.

- People who have jobs had much more productive Fridays than me this week.

- It’s good to know that Tech Support was kind of a silly thing way back in history.

- Is it just me, or is there something self-defeating about an unknown artist thread? Ack, who cares. It’s good music anyway.

- In case you don’t care about real news and never read The Victory forum, 2kids was kind enough to post about the wristbands here too.

- Randomness continues its domination of this board. Shocking, huh?

- Although my contribution was woefully unappreciated, I can say very little that is negative about a candy thread.

- In places that I am not in, it is very hot. It’s nice here. And PV got me a pony!

And with that, I’m done. And in time to not be late for the WA state gathering! Possibly I should have done this afterwards, but, as always, seeing BNL in concert wins over the message board.

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