Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Live from New York, it’s Saturday mid-afternoon! (9/8/07)

I was supposed to do this yesterday, right? Instead I went to see Guster. Sorry about the priorities, but I figured you guys would understand, if anybody did. The rest of the world’s understanding might actually be an issue this time, since I kinda sorta missed a few school things to go. Oh well. They probably didn’t miss me. I hope…

In the hopes that many, many more will be able to enjoy the cruise, I shall begin with the Seven Seas Lobby (does the name of this forum relate to the idea that you enter through a lobby and likewise enter this cruise by finding a roommate? has this idea occurred to others a long, long time before now?):

- fan2bnl is looking for someone to fill her double room and lispiswiswoo is looking for a bed somewhere so that she may partake of the joy that is the cruise as well.

But no one else seems to be looking for roomies at the moment, so I’m done with that and will instead continue on to The Victory, in order to get the important stuff out of the way:

- All those Sixthman people are about to go on a cruise in order to make sure ours is good. I think I need to get a job in which I’m paid to go on vacation in order to plan other vacations. I could really get into a job like that.

- Hamilton is closer to Toronto than to Buffalo, right? If the weather sucks, closer airports are a plus, but flights from Canada to Florida are ridiculously overpriced, in my opinion.

- umbravirago, who might prefer to be known as Amber and Greg have joined the booked-a-cabin-really-close-to-mine club.

- Both WA state and SoCal had gatherings last Saturday. Although WA state was undoubtedly better, there are pictures of the SoCal gathering, should you desire to increase your jealousy about such events. Or you should just have your own. They’re fun!

- Cab rides between Ft. Lauderdale and Miami can be expensive. Cab rides in New York are always expensive. For that money you get a funky smelling vehicle, a crazy driver speaking any language other than English into a cell phone, and multiple near death experiences while the fare box clicks ever higher. And yet some people think this would be fun for thousands of miles…

- There seem to be some cheap(-er, it’s still very expensive) flights to Florida from the UK.

- Some of our board members are incredibly ambitious and physically fit people who are considering running the Miami Half Marathon before they get on the ship. If Musical Genius really does run while pulling his luggage behind him, we should definitely all watch.

- I booked my flight to Florida, completely breaking with my normal pattern of waiting until the month before to buy a plane ticket. Other people also booked their tickets. I don’t know if this breaks any of their patterns or not.

- Even if I have booked a flight, I haven’t done anything about a hotel yet. I think I may be holding out for a host hotel. Or for polyester_angel to do it for me. I mean, isn’t booking the ship cabin enough for one member of a room? The hotel room should totally be someone else’s job. Preferably someone less inclined to leave it to the last minute. But I digress. Several people may be staying at the Candlewood Suites and will be looking to share transport. But the really important information from this thread is that Garyrulez will be staying at the Conrad (which can be booked using Hilton points). Please plan your stalking accordingly.

- People have started to get their message board wristbands. If you haven’t, you should definitely be jealous, because they are extremely cool. Thanks 2kids!!!

Fortunately for my day’s activities and poor, aching fingers, I’m not expecting the Caribbean Lounge to take too long. Although I could be wrong about that:

- robbks saw Gaelic Storm in Kansas City. I’m going to see them in New York on Thursday!

- Los Straightjackets sound cool, but do you have to speak Spanish in order to enjoy them? That could be a problem for me…

- I saw BNL on Saturday (last week, not today). I saw Guster yesterday. Feel free to be jealous.

- Harland Williams was on Last Comic Standing this week. Which has just made me realize that I haven’t watched TV all week. How pseudo-intellectual of me!

And that’s it. See? Short. I wish I could say the same for the Grand Buffet. But I can’t. As usual:

- This isn’t about any particular topic, but did anyone else notice how amused safinch seemed to be this week? He seemed to be laughing in virtually every thread. This may be either a testimony to the wittiness of several posters or a sign that safinch is an easy audience.

- NikkiPoooo successfully entertained her inconsiderate relatives. Therein may lie the true definition of talent.

- Facebook keeps track of musical tastes by region. Facebook is everywhere – people ask me about being on it constantly, even though I’ve never even looked at Facebook. Should I be scared?

- 2kids’ mouse doesn’t work for her but is fine when others are involved. I have this problem with computers too. I figure it’s kind of like opening a tight jar. No matter how hard you try to open it, the lid just won’t budge. And then you hand it to someone else, who opens it with no effort in seconds. Just the universe out to get us (well, me, and apparently 2kids, anyway) yet again. Sigh…

- Someone stole PA’s band-aids this week! Also, she started university. Although I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate on something like school when lacking My Little Pony band-aids.

- In case you have forgotten since you read about it in The Victory recap, the WA state party was fun. And inspired jealousy in the state of Wisconsin. And in PA, who should totally visit New York for a gathering that would be planned in her honor (any excuse to party… ).

- The networks’ fall seasons will be starting in the next few weeks. Yay! Mindless TV to get me through the year! Many people are excited to see their favorite shows, even if those shows are Degrassi (interesting choice Shell…). Not coming to TV soon, but enjoyed by several were the movie Stardust and the show Dead Like Me. Both of which I approve of.

- I still don’t like beans on toast. But at least there is much humor to be found (or possibly diligently searched for by the crazies around here) in such a topic.

- The Weight Loss Encouragement thread has resurfaced. For me anyway, this is a very, very good thing.

- According to Myspace, we’re all sex-crazed lushes. But in a good way.

- Flying sucks but can be helped by goat sacrifice. And pee is apparently good for just about anything.

- The questions of children should be encouraged, as they promote creativity and sorely-needed curiosity about the world. However, if these questions prompt the children’s parents to scream and/or wring their necks, their benefits might be slightly reduced.

- Puppies! Puppies! Puppies!

- Buffalo wings, like many other bizarre New York state foods, are yummy. And now I know that the mini-drumstick things are called drumettes! Still don’t know what part of the chicken they are though…

- The Stupid Elation was on TV this week (could this be an explanation for my lack of viewership?). Topless decks are not always a good thing. But flashing the band can sometimes be related to the great mysteries of reincarnation. And paste-eating.

- Rankin PMed 2kids.

- Even if Yorkie bars are not for girls, all other chocolate is sissy and effectively emasculates any man with whom it comes into contact. If this means that women get all the chocolate, this works for me. I want some chocolate now. Mmmmmm…

- Elavil has many interesting pharmaceutical properties which mostly just end up freaking me out. Drugs tend to do that to me.

- Other people get an interesting variety of songs when they shuffle their MP3 players. I usually just get a lot of BNL, but I only have about 200 songs total on mine, so that’s not a huge surprise.

- I expect to soon have a nightmare involving star-nosed moles. Nature kind of freaks me out sometimes.

- Having apparently gotten bored of discussing sports, the Guys moved on to their other topic of conversation. Or is conversation too strong a word for what was posted in the Guy Talk thread this week?

- If dogs did vote, I wonder how this would affect our government. Is it incredibly cynical of me to think that it might be improved?

- The parents of Madeleine McCann are now suspects in her disappearance. This whole story is depressing and scary.

- Thanks to safinch’s request, I now have a whole list of bands to check out…

- Giles has covered For You. Such a pretty song…

- Electric fences sometimes work, although some pets are determined/dumb enough to defeat them. They also don’t keep bigger animals from eating your animal. Unfortunately, electric fences are equally ineffective at keeping annoying neighbors at bay. Unless you can convince them to wear those electric-shock collars. How cool would that be?

- Although some purchases are more extravagant than others, the sad fact of the matter is that all purchases become extravagant when one is broke…

- They’re still talking about Big Brother. Shouldn’t it be over by now?

- nvcatgut posted about a new internet recording thingamajig. And if you check it out, he might get to keep his job!

- Salt & Vinegar Ruffles might be better than other Ruffles. Or other Salt & Vinegar chips. If I ate chips more often, I might know this. But they’re pretty much the only unhealthy food I don’t like, so I try to avoid them. But katenev wants some, so the Canadians should help her out!

- Momspit has mysterious cleaning powers that surpass those of all other solvents.

- I saw a runaway horse in downtown Providence last night. This is one of the few things in my recent life more random than the Random Thread.

- Thanks to the wonders of spam e-mails, you too could be like Ron Jeremy! And Finchy does not wear glasses.

- According to Dr. Phil, we can all be reduced to numbers. Aren’t we lucky to have such deep psychological insight available to us?

- Cats are good at telling off their owners. Not needing that kind of attitude from a pet is one of the reasons I don’t have cats.

- A guy who disappears after sleeping with you sucks. A guy who stills your rum sucks. A guy who does both is beyond suckiness. And if anyone has a foolproof method of not getting your period while on a cruise vacation, you should post that right away.

- Stupid Quotes often make my day.

- Nettwerk is offering a free album download this weekend. Free stuff is cool!

- Conspiracy theories, however silly they may be, always seem to get people talking about them. Now, I do feel that there is one possible conspiracy that we’ve all been neglecting: how do we know that Garyrulez is a real person when we have no proof of this? For that matter, are any of you real people? Am I? Oh dear…

- If you would like to live the Emmy ceremony vicariously through the message board, the ABC game is currently the place for this. If you want to actually live the Emmy ceremony, you apparently have to be MG and PV.

OK. Done now. Which means I might actually have to change out of my pajamas and do something. Ah, reality! How difficult you can be!

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