Saturday, April 25, 2009

Don't you people have lives?!?!?!? (10/19/07)

Apparently not, judging from all the posts this week…

I meant to write this in the morning. Back when I thought I’d have a lot of free time today. Silly, silly me. And now it’s nighttime. Still no Week in Review for the hungering masses. But would I deprive you of this singular pleasure, just because it’s late and I might be tired? No! Instead, I toil endlessly in my noble work of making of fun of what all of you said this week. You do know that that is what this is, don’t you? My chance to mock others. And get lauded for it. Mwahahahahaha… (That was evil laughter. The just evil emoticon doesn’t cut it sometimes. )

Now, before I say anything else self-incriminating, I feel that it is time to start the recapping of the week. So to the Seven Seas Lobby with me:

- cricket538 needs a fourth for her cabin. Well, she did. Then she found Ocean Girl and now wants for nothing.

- Carrie95b2000 doesn’t need any of you anymore either.

- However, it would appear that beck and Chiarascura are both in desperate need of cabins. Poor things.

- Bigbaldy and his snowman friend are good to go.

- NikkiPoooo and ShortAlaina snapped up Gill in what must be record time.

That was a significantly more confusing than usual recap of the Seven Seas Lobby. Usually, that’s the easy one. Just mention a couple of people looking for rooms and move on to the insanity of the other forums. Not this week though. I have a feeling that this whole recap might be a tough one… But I am not one to fear such things! No! The endless toiling must continue, and continue on to The Victory it will!

- If you’re planning on flying to Miami (or wherever) from Hartford, there is a thread for you! Wouldn’t it be neat if there was a thread for every single city that we’re all flying from? No.

- charmed one seems to have given up on a flying buddy from Heathrow. Maybe if she was flying from Hartford instead…

- We talked about booze smuggling in the cruiser-age thread again. Not just there, actually, but I’ll get back to the topic soon.

- leprrkan is just a big tease with the whole “needing a place to sleep before the cruise” thing…

- Turns out that the “Carbon Leaf and Great Big Sea” thread was kind of prophetic.

- becky11 is worried that the military might consider the defense of the country more important than a Ships and Dip cruise. I think the military really needs to get its priorities in order.

- leprrkan has volunteered to be hazed as an S&D virgin. Silly, silly leprrkan…

- VistaPrint will make information cards for you if you want people to be able to find you on the cruise. I’d get some, but I just got business cards (real ones, not just for the cruise) for the first time about a week ago. So I’m going to stick with those – handing them out makes me feel like a real-life grown-up for once!

- The NW corner of Pennsylvania seems to be somewhat underrepresented on this board. But don’t feel too bad about that – I was convinced that I was the only person from greater New York City on the ship last year. I was wrong.

- To be safe, you should probably just hand $1 bills to every single person you meet on the cruise. You won’t have to worry about appropriate tips and you’ll make a lot of new friends!

- It turns out that, although we know very little of the details about the Pre-Party, we are very adept at making assumptions about it. And at being amused by drunken Gusterness.

- Sixthman would like to know what size t-shirt you wear. They seem to want to know a lot about us. If I were a paranoid person, I might worry about all the information being collected by these Sixthman types. What will they want next? Pin numbers? Favorite sock colors?

- Hashing sounds like a lot of fun, but possibly far too much work for a beer.

- Airborne is gross, but colds are grosser, so I guess it’s fair. Loud, sweaty, germ-infested people at the gym are gross, but not exercising is grosser, so that’s fair too. And Suebee’s gym sounds positively terrifying.

- We have asked much of Lauren. But where are the answers?

- If all of the rest of you are spending your shore excursions scuba diving, standing amidst the rays, and partying on the beach, does that mean I get the dolphins all to myself?

- No more wristbands! Although I’m sure that 2kids5cats will send those purchased ones out very, very soon.

- The host hotel and its neighbor might be full, but people are still getting better deals than me. Oh well.

- It would appear that there are many things to do in Miami. I am very thankful that there are others more willing to research all these things than me. If it were left to me, the list would read something like, “1) I’m pretty sure there’s a beach. 2) There are many fine restaurants in Miami. We should find one. 3) Oh who cares? We’re going on a cruise – screw Miami!”

- Many people have shared their cabins with the rest of us (stalkers, are you paying attention?). The cruise might be very full now. But I’m not sure how people figure that out, so don’t quote me on the previous sentence. Unlike the rest of this recap, which you may feel free to quote extensively in any forum you wish.

- ZiggyNJ can finally relax, which is good since it would totally suck to be tense for the next 3 months.

- Southern Californians have been proving themselves as incapable of organization as the rest of us. This makes me happy.

- People have booked flights. I booked mine a little while ago, but it’s completely useless now. This is why I don’t like to book so far in advance. Something always changes…

- I bet jtychol didn’t expect three pages of answers when asking those questions. Nor that most of those three pages would be taken up by extensive discussions of Carnival’s alcohol policy and how to circumvent it.

- You know, I was going to be all snarky about the “Ask Fin” thread this week and make fun of the fact that he said he was back and then promptly disappeared. But then the guy came back. And wants to crash at our places. Typical.

Alas, no more Victory, only defeat (wouldn’t it be cool if we were cruising on The Defeat instead of The Victory? Or would that only have been appropriate for S&DII?). And I fear that the Caribbean Lounge will in fact defeat me this week. What is usually a calm, orderly forum with only a few posts has instead become a wild and crazy free-for-all:

- And it’s all Great Big Sea’s fault! Silly, popular-among-cruisers band making my life more difficult. They had better be good!

- In other news, Gill shared her top 10 BNL songs.

- While AZSally and leprrkan shared their bottom BNL songs.

- charmed one thinks Steve’s hair is sexy. leprrkan is just intimidated by it (and the rest of Steve).

- There is something called “singstar 90’s edition” that I might know about if I knew anything at all about video games. But I don’t so I don’t.

- I’m guessing that KiaOra2 goes to a lot of concerts…

- Vance Gilbert and Brett Dennen were requested for the cruise. Haven’t we got enough bands yet???

- SurprisingWoman was surprised at our lack of mentioning BNL in G-strings. I’m pretty sure I would have mentioned that if I’d ever seen it. Oh why haven’t I seen it?!?

- It sounds like it might be a little complicated to get the upcoming BNL DVD in England. That sucks.

- BNL is going to be on Regis and Kelly next week. Now you all know one of the only things that would get me out of bed before 7 AM… Anyone want to wait in the standby ticket line with me?

- Great Big Sea!!!! If you missed this, you are far too lazy about reading the board, and I’m not going to do the work to make up for your slackerdom.

- Sarah Harmer was added too. Her fans need to be a lot more excited if they want to take on the Great Big Sea people.

Phew. Far more Caribbean Lounge than there should be. 54 minutes in to this recap and not even starting the Grand Buffet yet? This is not good…

- T.B.A. is opposed to the playing of board games on the cruise. We didn’t want to play Boggle with him either!

- No Stupid Quotes since Saturday? Shame on you, WildEagle! Shame!

- Does it make me a bad, sick person that I liked T.B.A.’s Famous Mouthfuls more than the real ones? Wait. On this message board? That just makes me normal…

- Why am I not surprised that Ellen from Saint Louis popped up rather quickly in a thread about blogs and porn?

- Somehow, I don’t think that receiving a call from Optimus Prime would be as cool as receiving a call from BNL (not that I’d know… ).

- Even if it makes me seem like a numpty to all of you, I just have to say how much I hate spiders.

- I don’t much like peeps (peep). Not too fond of mint Aeros or peanut butter Cadbury’s either, so the candy thread was kind of a bust for me this week.

- Nikki claims to be addicted to something called CyberNations. Considering how much time she still has to post here, I’m starting to think that she must not actually work…

- I am in fact vain enough for the Google ring. Unfortunately, I don’t receive enough hits for the ring to actually inflate my ego. It would just depress me.

- Did the good vibes work, 2kids?

- annaonthemoon and sarah11918 ate and croc-shopped this week.

- I’m afraid to think of what my parents’ dogs would do with those porthole things. Probably find a way to get in trouble – that’s what they’re best at.

- The list of 100 favorite blogs brings up an old question of mine. How does one get anyone to actually read your blog? I mean, it’s just a glorified, public diary. So I would assume that most of them totally suck. How do you find the good ones?

- It’s pretty safe to say that many of us watch far too many movies and memorize far too many quotes from them.

- I knew a bunch of guys in college who played Magic. They played every Friday night without fail. I might be tempted to learn to play, but I already have an activity that eats up all of every Friday night…

- I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Forget politics. Always pick the same side as Kermit the Frog. This can never, ever be wrong.

- personal venus surpassed the 4000 post mark this week! And, to celebrate, I’ll steal some of her fireworks!

- Haikus should be deep --

They explain important things.

Plus, they amuse me!

- I do read books. And yet the book thread always makes me feel somewhat illiterate…

- I think I may have finally been convinced to try Crocs this week. Now I just need to find some on sale…

- I love that synchronized swimming video…

- The guys talked about soccer/football, the possibility of bringing up some new and guy-friendly topics, and drunk dialing. As usual, most of the non-sports conversation was carried by those who should not technically be called “guys.”

- The Spy Museum does sound cool. I wonder if I’ll have time to visit when I’m in DC in a couple of weeks…

- When you think about it, the really crazy part of watching religions spread in a cartoon is realizing that the people spreading the religion could never have seen it this way. They just saw it as a person-to-person thing. World movements are so weird that way…

- I always have trouble coming up with good Halloween costumes. This probably has something to do with my unwillingness to spend any money or use a sewing machine. I refuse to attribute it to a lack of creativity.

- Within the field of electric puns, I feel that my batteries have been drained and that I just don’t have the capacity to conduct anymore of such insanity.

- Small children’s definitions of love are indeed mushy and sentimental. But also kind of sweet.

- Michelle in WI’s baby’s birth father sounds just plain scary. I’m really glad the baby has the in WIs waiting for him instead!

- It’s kind of scary what a stupid, yet powerful, weapon PC is in the hands of some people. Just spoils everything for the rest of us…

- Those little piggies are cute, but I’m not sure I’d want one. It would be way too weird to eat bacon in front of them…

- Sounds like the Philly people are going to see Carbon Leaf together! Which reminds me that I really need to go buy my tickets to the New York show…

- There’s just something fundamentally cool about being eulogized with peeps.

- If you would like to introduce your children to the effects of hallucinogenic drugs, may I suggest this video:

- For those of you who have been informed by the internet that you don’t exist, I am more than willing to share some of the 226 mes with you.

- chrisandlaurie would like to refer you on to this cruise. Do not listen to them! Instead, let me refer you. I’m a much better person (of course ). All they can offer you is free drinks. While I can offer you immortality! That’s right! A weekly mention in these recaps! Every, single week! You’ll be famous! Popular! Cool! Just mention SXM-345380 to those nice Sixthman people, and all this can be yours! Oh, and drinks too.

- I often find it amazing just how much I learb every week on this board. PA...

- “I” think that “quotation” marks are quite “fun” to use and “should” be used far more in all of our “message board” “correspondence.”

- The board was mean to some people this week. But it was nice to me. When the rest of you can’t log on, it means that you can’t post. And if you can’t post, I have less to recap. Which is seeming like a very good thing at the moment (109 minutes and counting…).

- I was glad to hear that I’m not missing much by not watching “Viva Laughlin.” I have too many shows to watch anyway.

- Like Mad Men. WTP??? What an ending… And I have to wait until next summer to find out what happens next? Herein lies the problem with good television.

- Far too much Girl Talk this week (not that that is unusual or anything). Boy trouble (and what, when it comes to boys, is not trouble?), my date, attempts to shoo away dr.evil, feminine “freshness” issues, good and bad bacteria down there, Aunt Flo, vaginal mucus, excretions as perfumes, yoghurt, dress shopping, Nikki’s armpit (is it better?), past relationships, titles of an autobiography, deodorants, and the inability of doctors’ offices to make appointments.

- Anaria would like us to find some zombies for her.

- There is a controversy about Ellen and pet adoption. Not to belittle the issue, but it was definitely a slow news week.

- We passed the 100-days-until-the-cruise point this week! Now how many more recaps does that make…

- Lots of ABCs. This is hardly news anymore.

- Many people were excited to be reminded of Slade. The 80s were a weird decade…

- If you don’t have “She’s On Time,” you should definitely make an effort to find the special Stunt CD that has it. Such a good song…

- If you always wanted a strange, rap (it is rap, right? I’m such a dork) name, you now have the ability to learn wu you are.

I’m still thrown that “E Pluribus Unum” isn’t the national motto. But that’s really not the controversial point, so I suppose I should let it drop now. Although what is the point of a controversy if you drop it?

- The Random Thread was struck by an inexplicable influx of poo today. Bound to happen eventually…

And although I could mention how desperate we were (as usual) for answers to absolutely everything from the all-powerful, all-knowing Lauren, I am now tired. And have about 6 minutes before it’s Saturday. Too much posting people. Really. Now, go spend time with your loved ones or take a walk or do your jobs or something!

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