Wednesday, March 11, 2009

WeekS in Review (7/6/07)

Yes, that’s WeekS in Review (Happy now, Ellen?). Two of them. Because I didn’t write it last week. As I was far too busy gallivanting across Ontario to bother with such silly things as message boards. Of course, I am now paying for it by having to write a twice-as-long review this week. So here goes…

We begin, as usual, with The Victory:

- There were a few toddlers on the last cruise (including a couple of Creeggans), but it is recommended that you have someone along to watch yours, especially if you’re planning to get drunk and party all night in the casino, eventually passing out on the stairs, only to be mocked for months to come. Not that this happened or will happen – I said “if.”

- An airline called USA3000 flies to Fort Lauderdale from Philadelphia, Newark, and Pittsburgh and might be cheap. I should probably check them out…

- The real Victory was recently in New York City and was captured on film by LoraJ.

- If you want to see both BNL shows on the cruise, all you need to do is convince someone that they want to spend $1000 on a week floating around the Caribbean with a bunch of nutcases. I recommend not telling them about this message board if you want that referral…

- It has been claimed that if we were sailing on the Legend again, it would be sold out. I have no idea how we would know this, but it’s cool!

- People who like Guster and declared that while booking get a special party. While that’s probably technically fair, I am still jealous.

- Pioneer Radio featured someone called F. Scott last week and is featuring Folkstar and a Sixthman staff member this week. At completely random-seeming times, so please check the posts if you want to hear these.

- People with funky British accents are happy when they find each other.

- If you’re one of those funky British-accented people, Virgin has strange deals on flights to the US.

- The Washington state people might get together on September 1. Unless Labor Day weekend doesn’t work for people. But it’s working for the SoCal people! Are we going to let them be better again? That is just wrong.

- Southern California will, as stated above, be meeting again. Overachievers…

- If you would like a wristband, you need to order one from 2kids5cats by the end of this month. You should order one. Conformity is fun.

- If you need pills to knock yourself out, you should probably consult Shell.

- There was continued discussion about excursions that we can’t book yet. Can you imagine how much posting there will be on this board when we actually have something solid to discuss? I’m already afraid…

Since the Caribbean Lounge was more or less silent recently, we move now to the Seven Seas Lobby:

- People are looking for roommates. Help them find roommates! Everyone should experience the wonders of Ships and Dip. And I should totally get the referral for posting about these poor people here. (So there, Muppetcoat )

Enough of that. There’s far too much to write about in the Grand Buffet to bother with the lesser threads:

- Carbon Leaf is on the rotation at Kohl’s, due to inexplicable good taste on the part of a corporate type somewhere.

- There is a book called A Child Called It. Which sounds incredibly depressing.

- T.B.A. explained his avatar. And then promptly changed it.

- 2kids was all over the posting of videos this week. They included a parody of the OK Go video, a pool shark kid, perpetual motion machines, and something that has already been removed by YouTube.

- The number of people visiting our message board were augmented a few times by creepy internet spider things. I don’t like spiders.

- We debated the morals and legality of music downloading. I’m not sure we came to any definitive conclusions or solutions. But since no one else has been able to do that at any point in the past decade, we probably shouldn’t feel too bad about our failure in two days of debate.

- Dogs are bad drivers. Even worse than drunk 11 year olds, apparently.

- Several people posted about needing to post more.

- Giving a kid too many middle names is just mean. And it is very important not to marry someone whose last name makes yours sound dumb.

- The discussion of the finer points of Bon Jovi continued. Thank you, BriBT, for bringing to our attention this heretofore neglected aspect of our culture.

- There is a thread entitled “Newman” and “Fish” both alive!! I can add nothing to that.

- There was debate over a possibly illicit episode of the Bathroom Sessions. Almost as if we all didn’t just go watch it…

- There were many, many quizzes in the past two weeks. Thanks to them, we now know our personalities as pizza, fonts, and colors, whether or not we’re normal or losers, what American accent each person has, and our “niceness,” as determined by Hello Kitty. She says I’m not nice:

HelloKitty wrote:
Below 20 percent You are not really sensitive about other's feeling. It's virtually impossible for you to care for others. For example, you would probably eat and drink next to a friend who is on a diet, or you would share your romance with a friend who just broke up, or some other insensitive things like such. Sometime, you should really stand in other's shoe and think for them, otherwise, those around you would probably think you are a "self-centered" and evil person.
Stupid Elation Hello Kitty.

- Still very little Girl Talk. Shameful, ladies, shameful…

- It is very important for friends to know each others’ favorite colors. Thank goodness we covered that! And Powder Blue is a cool song.

- WildEagle’s computer crashed. Not that such piffling technical difficulties prevented him from reaching 3000 posts…

- 2kids’ son listens to Kajagoogoo.

- John (Cougar) Mellencamp love, nostalgia, and jokes were shared.

- Suggestions for fun activities in New York City were given. Although, really, the most fun activity in New York City is taking me out for drinks…

- Muppetcoat offered us the chance to win a flight to Iceland with our friends. But please don’t enter, because I want to win.

- You will notice on the list of top 5 dream jobs that message board "Week in Review" author is not listed.

- We had movie reviews! Shell reviewed Sicko (and then we all reviewed Michael Moore) and Live Free or Die Hard. And then exportedmolson reviewed Transformers. Who needs Entertainment Weekly?

- There were many random questions. The answers told us many important things, namely that many of us listen to BNL and say fuck. But probably not at the same time.

- Brittney Spears will be appearing with Cyndi Lauper. And 2kids does not recognize as girls those who share a name with her daughter.

- The Impossible Quiz is the embodiment of all evil.

- Looking like a celebrity is rarely as cool as it sounds.

- July is National Beer Month. Something I intend to celebrate shortly after finishing this…

- The people of this message board are not in favor of reviving fairness in the media. No matter how nice it sounds in theory…

- Our college majors had very little to do with our current jobs. There’s something vaguely depressing about that. Not that I use my oh-so-handy astrophysics degree on a regular basis…

- “All the Rage” aired. I enjoyed (my totally illegal download of) it.

- 2kids made some very pretty and very organized boxes.

- WE wants to be a cannonball king. Wouldn’t this be a neat contest for Ships and Dip?

- Videos about Compulsive Drumming Syndrome are very funny and should be watched repeatedly…

- We discussed the meaning of The Grand Buffet. And then started complaining about spelling and grammar. Of course these things are related.

- Mean people stomp fish.

- The chimp that played Cheeta in the Tarzan movies is still alive. That’s one old chimp…

- Nobody around here much likes Rosie, do they?

- Good music is timeless. Kind of like Cheeta.

- People sleep (or don’t sleep, as the case may be) weirdly.

- Apparently our poetic skills can not progress much beyond haikus and limericks, despite efforts to do so.

- Hauntingly beautiful songs are, well, hauntingly beautiful.

- T.B.A. provided us with affirmation. Will it be negation next week? That’d be cool!

- 7-11s across the continent became Kwik-E-Marts. Because the Simpsons Movie needs more press, apparently.

- There’s a lot of crap (and not much else) on TV. But Burn Notice is OK. And Bruce Campbell is more than OK.

- Sixthman was mentioned in The 9 on Yahoo! Although I’ve never heard of The 9 before, I’m sure this is very good for them.

- We critiqued Steve’s voice while sick and Steve’s sweat pretty much all of the time.

- Is it OK for Ed to fly between shows? Garyrulez’s wife has doubts, but the rest of us will uphold Ed’s moral virtue.

- Flight of the Conchords are still cool.

- There was debate about a Switch to Canada video. Leaving aside all of the serious issues that such a video brings up, I feel that I must state unequivocally that Canada does have better cereal and chocolate bars. And Timbits.

- The Baconator, while undoubtedly not living up to its publicity photos, is probably yummy. Although likely to cause immediate heart attacks to those who consume it.

- Amicus has another message board. I’d probably have to look it up again if anyone wanted to know its address.

- There’s another funny video of Will Ferrell getting harassed by a toddler. Most toddlers I’ve met in real life would have no trouble being this evil.

- We all need to get extra-cool blenders so that we can blend things that were never meant to be blended!

- Pardons are probably a good thing in theory but are somewhat less good in reality. But idealism is just so much fun!

- There is another Vanity Project. Maybe we could get all of their CDs (along with those of Gwen Stefani) and introduce them to the super blenders…

- The Guys Talked about the hockey draft. I really didn’t read any of that.

- God wants us to use our credit cards. Who am I to argue with God?

- There are more Stupid Quotes. Some of them aren’t actually all that stupid, but I didn’t come up with the topic name.

- There might not be more than two people from San Francisco on this message board. Oh well.

- Having dead people in your freezer might ruin a dinner party. Or it might just give you something to talk about over dinner. Some dinner parties are just so boring without interesting subjects of conversation…

- If you see Michelle on the cruise with a gun, you should probably run. Especially if you look like Scott Peterson. And if you would kill for Garyrulez, you are in good company.

- There are now 131 pages of ABCs.

- We had plans for July 4. Although some people’s plans didn’t work out. And Shell hurt his back.

- Although good in condom ads, other people’s horrid children rarely impede procreation.

- Even when going at 100 mph and driven by a drug-fueled person, isn’t a Prius still more environmentally-friendly than a Hummer?

- Many people have paid off the cruise. Fortunately, God wouldn’t want me to do that.

- The Scots have an interesting response to terrorism.

- WeedMage has annoying upstairs neighbors with a penchant for hurling things from above. Upstairs neighbors are never fun…

- Michele might be robbing banks. But that’s OK, because she’s instrumental to me paying off the cruise.

- Is there anyone out there from Toronto? katie is looking for you…

- There were more horribly annoying people in 2kids’ store. They might be WeedMage’s neighbors…

- Having others choose your theme song yields interesting results…

- I could summarize the random thread, but that would be against the point of it. I made myself a smoothie for lunch today.

- Sixthman, like the Impossible Quiz, is the embodiment of evil. The temptation part of evil, specifically, since they keep planning really neat cruises that we want to go on. Scotswahay and Nikki will apparently be succumbing to that temptation.

- PA doesn’t like her job. Which may explain the bank robbery.

- If this message board doesn't waste enough of your time, there is a BNL crossword puzzle to help. I intend to head over to that very, very soon.

- There are many good characters on the Simpsons. I am partial to Miguel Sanchez.

- It’s really, really hard to pick just five favorite books.

And if I don’t stop writing now, this WeekS in Review might just qualify for the list. So I’ll stop. Hopefully this will keep you hyenas at bay for another week…

Impatience is rewarded... (6/22/07)

But I am now owed a ham, strawberry/coconut cake, and a scotch (3!!! ). Payment can be forwarded any time.

The Victory:

- There is a new Ships and Dip website! Unless you just get there via “Favorites” like me. It’s still the old one that way.

- Many people have booked contingency hotels, just in case the host hotel doesn’t come through. They’re overachievers, in my opinion.

- Speaking of overachievers, those crazy folk in Southern California are having another gathering. Just rub it in, why don’t you?

- In contrast, those who might attend a similar gathering in Washington simply expressed fears of inferiority before failing yet again to decide on a date (August 18, people! August 18!!!).

- I was the Radio DJ of the week on Pioneer Radio. I hope you all listened. If not, I will be mortally offended and won’t write any more of these reviews. So there.

- The passport rules have changed again. It’s probably better to just get one so you won’t have to depend on the vagaries of the government.

- Excursions were discussed. The zip lines seem to be a popular idea right now. But not for me, unless there are dolphins up there with me.

- The Doodles have booked their flights using airmiles. Others (namely Gary) lack such foresight. I myself lack such foresight, since I don’t even have a departure date yet for the flight I’ll be taking in about 5 or 6 weeks… Of course, I don’t have enough airmiles either…

- There has been some speculation about haunted cabins on the cruise. Like we’d even notice with all the music and staying up all night…

Caribbean Lounge:

- Ships and Dip stuff is now available on Napster. I didn’t actually know the Napster was still available on Napster.

- The Detroit show rocked! And was taped for an upcoming DVD/PBS special. There was also speculation about a new CD…

- Cleveland rocks! And had a set list that makes me very sad to have missed it (one of my goals in life is to hear Life, in a Nutshell live someday). Garyrulez said hi to some people, but not to others. People’s seats were discussed. And if you need to relive the experience, YAY4BNL posted a bazillion amazingly good pictures to help you with that.

- The 100s and 1000s rocked! And would be a very good addition to our cruise.

- Many people will be going to Guster concerts all over the country. Guster really gets around.

- We discussed the Lamery that is the Bravery.

- Chicago rocked! And involved fun mistakes and strange guitar pick action.

- But Buffalo rocked even more than all those other concerts put together! So there. Although the amazingly high energy of the concert led to amusing exhaustion afterwards. And much admiration of Suebee’s bracelets.

- BNL is everywhere. Even in the imaginary world of the Sims.

- We all had a first BNL show. And most of us had that first BNL show way before lame people like myself ever managed it (what was I doing for those 9 years?!?).

- Boothby Graffoe and the Checkerboard Guy will be joining us on the cruise. Oh yes, there will be juggling.

Seven Seas Lobby:

- Where Nikki’s friend Jackie probably still needs a roommate. No cool people left behind!

Indian Library:

- In which robe retrieval methods were discussed. All those nervous about naked photos should choose their method well in advance. I just grabbed mine and pretended the other 600 people were no longer there. It’s important to cling to such illusions when there is nothing else (literally).

The Buffet:

- It would appear that life is no longer a song. Or, if it is, then it’s a song without words. Like something classical. Or maybe jazz.

- The girls shut up for once. It won’t last.

- If I needed another reason not to eat green beans (I don’t), I think a snake head in the can would do it.

- The greatest actors on the planet are Kevin Spacey and Jodie Foster. According to us anyway. And really, who else matters.

- Americans tend to think that Canadians like them. That may not be so true…

- Happy Father’s Day! How many dads got ties?

- Bras and what fills them are as contentious as short people. As is the idea of making everything into a disability.

- Shell hit 2000. And did not receive a single firework, thanks to the extreme negligence of personal venus. Should we shun her? (Shunnnnnnn!!!)

- The Doo Wop Oldies quiz confirmed that I didn’t pay anywhere near enough attention to the oldies station as a child. I’d probably do a lot better with an 80s quiz though.

- Apparently we now know everything, as there were very few questions asked.

- The movie “Once” is supposed to be good. But I haven’t seen it. Oh well.

- The British Nessun Dorma dude was so great that he got three threads. Of course, one of those threads was to discredit him. But still…

- In case any of you were thinking that maybe you were a little too obsessed for your own good, check out the Backstreet Boys fans. They’re crazy. We look pretty normal in comparison.

- Lude didn’t get feedback from a competition. It really sucks when that happens.

- The shuttle Atlantis got to wake up to BNL. Thus proving that BNL is really everywhere, even in space!

- PA thinks it’s funny that Dennis Leary is an asshole. She might be right.

- Idiocracy. Is a movie that I haven’t seen. But might someday.

- There was some more economics. I still don’t get it. Possibly because I lose interest before I can finish reading even one post (not because your posts are boring – just because I am incapable of focusing on economic things).

- There might soon be a show focusing on people making idiots of themselves due to misheard lyrics. I think we might do pretty well on such a show.

- Hillary’s got a campaign song. We’ve got better ones (whatever.).

- People suck. Old, young, somewhere in the middle – all suck. But Nicey puts them in their place.

- Badly behaved kids suck too. Which can be blamed on their thoroughly crappy parents most of the time.

- Not so much information about the people above us this week. Again, maybe we know everything?

- There were more random questions to be answered. Thus showing that many of us are freaked out by sea creatures and might resort to cannibalism in certain situations.

- Some parents don’t restrict their crappiness to bad parenting. Some also give their kids stupid names.

- Today was Steve’s birthday. I would have sent a card, but that might have crossed that stalker line.

- People discussed the environment. And often disagreed. I think we should just go back to blaming cows. It’s much simpler that way.

- There were a few more quotes. And they included one from Miss Piggy. That’s quality.

- Alaina, because she is the rockingest enabler of obsessions, posted fixed Behind the Music videos.

- Many of us have seen celebrities wandering about. But how many of you have ever had Scotty from Star Trek open the door for you at an appliance store? Oh yeah, I’m cool.

- Thrill rides are usually safer than they feel. But they occasionally do cause real, non-fun damage.

- CayCay was impressed by Bon Jovi. You don’t hear that so often.

- Many of us have good taste in movies. I like movies.

- Where is everyone? Apparently waiting until Friday so they could harass me about writing the Week in Review… Or else they were in the June doldrums, had the post-concert blues, were writing bitch lists, suffering from GH-related injuries, traveling, forming opinions about others and worrying about it, have sex-changes, or engaging in behavior considered unacceptable by spouses. I think we should just blame Giles.

- The global relevance of this message board was raised by an extensive discussion of Steve’s hair and glasses. Many of us wear glasses, much like Steve. I don’t, but that just means you can all laugh at me when I go blind in my 50s and can’t take it.

- There is a new Bathroom Session. But it is somewhat controversial, so exercise caution if you want to view it (although it is good).

- The guys talked about technology, pornography, and the hockey draft.

- And while we may know everything in other threads, we are still apparently working very hard on our ABCs, having practiced for 103 pages now.

And that’s all for now. Actually, that’s all for the next two weeks. I’ll be on vacation next week, so you’ll all just have to deal. I am not writing this from a hotel. And I am definitely not writing this from a winery concert. So savor this moment, for it is fleeting.

W in R -- Now with More Shell than Ever! (6/15/07)

This week’s review is coming a little bit early, mostly because I am a responsible person who doesn’t want you all to be deprived of my wonderful posting this weekend. It would be better later, but I’m leaving for the first leg of my odyssey to Buffalo in an hour…

Now, before I get into the Week in Review, I must address an issue. CayCay is a woman. CayCay posts regularly in threads like Girl Talk (we will ignore the fact that safinch and Dr. Evil are fond of this thread too). CayCay has never pretended to be other than she is. And yet people insist on seeing her as a man…

OK, on to the virtual excitement that was this week:

The Victory:
An unusually active week for this oh-so-straightlaced thread. You wouldn’t think that we had months and months to go before the cruise…

- Advice was given to cruise newbies about what to expect. It was also noted that Ships and Dip only vaguely resembled a normal cruise. So go ahead and disregard everything!

- WA state people proved themselves incapable of picking a gathering date, despite a promising start about a week ago (my vote is 8/25, by the way).

- The So. Cal. meeting, which I will greatly miss mentioning after this week, happened. People met. And ate good food. And talked about the Week in Review. Yay So. Cal. people!

- jgettle86 wants to find other people from SW Florida for the cruise. Anyone?

- Nikki will get everyone on the cabin map eventually. And it will be good.

- The first DJ of the week played this week. I totally forgot to listen. I realized that I had forgotten to listen while writing this. Maybe I should review the threads earlier in the week?

- ckguy27 was really, really excited to join us. Then he stopped posting. His travel buddies should bug him about that.

- There are things you need cash for on the boat. And not just the booze (although I personally spent about half of my money on drinks). You don’t need cash for the steward if he’s absent or terrible. Save your cash for expediting your passport application when you forget to apply way in advance…

- The Verandah deck people are really full of themselves, aren’t they? I should start a thread about my deck. Of course, that would mean I’d have to remember which deck I was on. Hmmm… Oh, and nvcatgut was a pirate!

- scotswahay and wife will be touring the US in October. Let me know if you want to meet for a drink in New York City!

- 2kids wants us to think about excursions. Thinking about excursions just makes me remember how long we have until the cruise.

- If you have two spare wristbands for a second concert, you would be wise to stay very, very far away from Suebee. Some people do not approve of selling such wristbands. Others are OK with it. Suebee just attacks.

Seven Seas Lobby

- There are people looking for roommates. Help these people out! No BNL fans left behind!

Caribbean Lounge

- This is the place to find a link listing every BNL concert in existence. I didn’t click on it. I don’t want it rubbed in how many amazing concerts I missed before 2006.

- Dates and locations for the Guster tour out west are available.

- BNL covered a Rheostatics song, and there’s a link.

- There are BNL concerts this weekend!!! And I’m going!!! Sorry to gloat, but I am finding it impossible to help myself. Artpark here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Much advice was given about driving to Detroit. Which you’ve hopefully all taken, since the concert is in a few hours…

- Lauren gave us a thread in which to request artists for S&DIII. It’s 3 pages long now. Somehow I doubt all of our requests will be met.

Grand Buffet

All you can eat. All you can post. Literally.

- WE and I spent the week vying for the top poster position. I think he might be in the lead now, but I haven’t checked in awhile.

- Michelle found a scary commercial for Nikki.

- skates likes to freeze on hot summer days.

- Stories from Iraq are not so much fun to read, even when they’re moving.

- 2kids needed cleaning music. Many obliged.

- WE apparently has given up on culture, despite help from T.B.A. No quotes for 6 days!

- We debated the merits of covers vs. original songs. I’m staying firmly on the side of the originals. Unless it’s a BNL cover. That’s a completely different story.

- WE tried to enlist our support for his possibly disturbing habit of obsessively following the activities of the British royal family. I wonder what it would be like to have paparazzi following you. Would it be cool for awhile? Or would it just suck from the beginning? I haven’t had any experience with this.

- Alaina posted videos of the BNL Behind the Music episode. Alaina is my hero.

- The internet is for porn. Which means that we, as a message board, are being very lax in posting appropriate material. Explicit talk among the Girls notwithstanding, we are much too family friendly. Get on that, people!

- The gas prices went down a little. Milk, however, is still ridiculously expensive.

- If I had all the money in the world, I would go on the Cayamo cruise, which looks like the greatest thing since Ships and Dip. Unfortunately, one cruise is excessive. Two cruises might just lead to bankruptcy. Stupid Elation starving student lifestyle…

- Bacon continued. And the food, some of which was not bacon, at the So. Cal. gathering was lauded.

- ketchup, and all others, should regularly be reminded about my superhot prom date. And ToasterBoy would, in fact, make a good Open Mic emcee.

- Many of us are planning to see Sicko. Some of us like Michael Moore. Some of us don’t. Michael Moore would fall into the first category.

- There are free tickets to Artpark tomorrow! Many of them! So no excuses. Get yourselves to that concert.

- I apparently either need to move my TV or arrange for my roommate to have an “accident.” Many people have an absurd amount of technology in their homes (and might be adding Wiis to that…). Maybe if I had two TVs, that would solve my problem… Hmmmmm…

- There is much love for IKEA. Especially for those meatballs. I could go for a meatball right now. Eating meatballs while watching a shuttle launch would be really neat.

- The stupid people are out there. Fortunately, many of them seem to be killing themselves off.

- Weedmage felt that a good Monday morning topic would be liberals and conservatives. Considering that the thread remained less heated than most, she might have been right. There are ignorant people around the world, although American ones tend to make TV the most. Canada has more political parties that actually do something than does the US. Part of Vermont wants to secede. Would anyone notice?

- The case of Woods vs. Johnson involves Woods’ wood.

- Katenev made a rather progressive cross-stitch. You don’t often see “progressive” and “cross-stitch” in the same sentence, do you?

- Many more of 2kids’ random questions were answered.

- The Sopranos has ended. And most people are annoyed. I’m suddenly very glad I never got into that show.

- 30 second mysteries make my brain hurt. And if people keep bringing up Middle Eastern politics, I need all the brain I can get!

- PA got into the Teaching English as a Foreign Language program at McGill. Yay PA!!!

- Some cities are pretty. Some are not. Two cities are named Vancouver.

- Shell likes “Is That All There Is?” That’s all I’ve got on this anyway.

- Giant fonts were debated. As were tiny ones.

- We talked about the Girl Talk thread. Girls really do need to talk a lot, don’t they?

- There will soon be a new Guitar Hero. It looks like fun. I should play it someday…

- Our senior years were interesting and varied. I’m still glad I’m not there anymore.

- Shell was very nostalgic for Irv Weinstein, who I will probably be hearing about tomorrow.

- Underdog is set to return. Danger Mouse could totally kick Underdog’s butt.

- The Girls talked about tanning, my second date with my second date, the third date rule, and yeast infections. And this is what brought about the return of Dr. Evil!

- A cat named Mr. Lee really gets around.

- The guys talked about sports (shocker) – college and hockey. Most drop-outs fail to achieve the level of success enjoyed by certain rock stars.

- Mr. Wizard died. That really sucks.

- Japanese game shows are kinda freaky. But strangely addictive. And I think I might want to be on one…

- Katiesue04 likes Wii.

- It is possible to use song lyrics to describe your day. But they can’t be used to describe this thread, because I’m too lazy to think of any appropriate ones.

- If you don’t know your ABCs after 97 pages, you might be a hopeless case.

- Crocs are almost starting to look good. But were banned at some schools anyway.

- A shockingly high number of us thought that Steven Page was a good vocalist.

- Did we cross the line? Well, we covered political correctness and overly nice behavior at schools, the Pledge of Allegiance, the Boy Scouts, international opinion of the US, Luxembourg’s good credit rating, American Middle East policy, who it’s best to arm (aka, who won’t shoot us), Middle Eastern politics, moderate vs. extremist Islam, suicide bombing, pan-religious extremism, and colonialism. At least no one can say that we don’t have a range of interests…

- Alaina’s internet game is evil. Pure evil. (Haven’t got past 40 yet…)

- That opera guy in Britain can really sing. And I mean really sing.

- Asia is coming. That title keeps putting pictures of a map of Asia jumping on top of North America into my head. But it’s really one of many place-named bands out there. They will be having an over-priced concert.

- There are lots of good actors and actresses. Ben Affleck probably isn’t one of them.

- MoodyCat caught a mouse in an epic battle between the species. Although it required a long period of time and far too much cleaning, humanity did reign supreme. With the help of an ambulance.

- Michelle sprained her ankle. Fortunately, lots of posting should make her feel much better.

- Nikki’s going to Ohio. Not as good as Buffalo, but I’m sure it’s OK too.

- There might be benefits to lowering taxes. There might not be. This is why I don’t do economics.

- We now know 72 pages worth of information about people above us.

- And have asked 70 pages of questions.

- Retail jobs can suck, mostly due to the customers. If only you could get rid of the customers…

- SCTV was funny. And Shell bowled with the McKenzie brothers!

- The Itunes game is really fun but also kind of creepy.

- Short people are stirring up trouble in California. Fortunately, we won’t be able to see them, so it doesn’t matter.

There is probably more that was posted in the last hour. But I’m going to Buffalo, so screw it. Have a good weekend!!!

Remember when this was only going to be a one-time thing? (6/8/07)

Another week.

A week of hope. A week of excitement. A week in which too much time was spent on computers around the world.

And that week is presented here, in short, easy-to-digest snippets that have never been regurgitated by animals and are therefore vegan.

The Victory!
The place to go for all of your legitimate message board needs!

- Debate ensued over whether Show 1 or Show 2 was and will be better on the cruise. I suggest somehow getting into both shows, so you don’t have to decide.

- A message board poster by the name of ToasterBoy would like to be the open mike host next year. His website didn’t open for me, so I can’t make fun of him now.

- A few more UK people joined the board and, presumably, the cruise as well. Soon, they’ll be outnumbering us N. America folk.

- There will be at least one guitar on the cruise! Which will go well with the egg shakers, cowbells, and kazoos that the rest of us might bring…

- Age is relative.

- Ft. Lauderdale and Miami are quite close to each other, a distance which can be bridged by either car or train, should you fly into the wrong city.

- Pioneer Radio has started playing the DJ of the week things! But not mine yet, so I refuse to get excited.

- The Washington state people have begun to vaguely discuss meeting up at some time. But do not have anywhere near the planning acumen of those in California.

- Several people will be staying with relatives before the cruise. Since my nearest relatives to Florida live in Toronto, I will not be one of those people.

- Some people drove to Florida last year and might again next year. That’s a long, long drive.

- The Southern California message board gathering is TOMORROW! I will feel so lost without their planning to report on after this week…

- The cruise is kid-friendly

– Camp Carnival makes it so you never even have to see them!

- New people posted their cabins, some of which they will apparently be sharing with others on the board. If you want to check this all out, the maps should be fixed.

- People on the Verandah deck congratulated themselves on picking such a wonderful deck.

Caribbean Lounge!
A place to fawn over/complain about musical acts!

- The bands that have been booked for S&DIII were discussed. The relative merits of Trippin’ Balls and Guster were discussed at length. I thought the chicken-killing thing was cool.

- Garyrulez needs to know how to get to Detroit.

- Some insanely lucky people in London could win a contest for a private-ish Guster concert. Doesn’t sound like anyone around here won…

- Guster will play at the Orange County Fair with Toad the Wet Sprocket. One of my friends here in New York would just about die if she could see that line-up…

- The f’in evil people of Artpark should not be allowed to have concerts if they’re just going to add rows in front of MY formerly-front row seat.

The Grand Buffet!
Where there is discussion of food. And just about everything else that many weird people can come up with...

- We have a new top poster and it is WE. WildEagle, in a true orgy of posting, made it to the number one posting position in less than 3 months on the board. Let this be an example to all newbies!

- Other posters reached important milestones as well. CayCay became the 15th person to reach 1000 posts, while polyester_angel, personal venus, and 2kids5cats all hit 2000. If you don’t care about post counts, then this means nothing to you. But what is life without meaningless goals and accomplishments?

- In Harry Potter news, annaonthemoon knows someone at the Leaky Cauldron website, which is just plain cool. And Harry WILL NOT die. If I say it enough, do you think it will come true?

- Patrick Warburton is a man of many voices.

- Using old oil for deep-frying is a fairly disturbing, but apparently common, practice.

- The oldest living twins are really quite old.

- annaonthemoon made a really cool basket as a wedding present. I now need to get married so that I can have one too.

- There is a radio contest to get to BBQ with BNL in Detroit. It’ll probably be won by the same people who get the pit seating at Artpark… Grumble…

- One of Shell’s many avatars brought up Dexter, which is a pretty cool show that I wish I could watch.

- We don’t like obnoxious pedestrians anymore than we like bad drivers.

- The sarcasm thread was SO COOL. It sucks so much that it’s died down. I just don’t think I’ll be able to go on without it.

- Many think that Katherine Heigl is hot.

- Shell is a curmudgeon who doesn’t like the loud and rowdy people at rock concerts that he chooses to go to. And only lesbians like the Indigo Girls.

- Hell House = creepy. The people who put on a Hell House = way creepier.

- We now know how to pronounce personal venus’ real name. And how to make fun of it (and other names) in song.

- just_Andrea and I both lack the ability to snap with our right hands. It’s overrated.

- If you can’t sleep, I suggest reading this board until you pass out.

- ketchup thinks Amicus prefers shoes and BNL to him. ketchup and Amicus have shoe issues.

- The many couples who post here have posted a lot, but none can hold a candle to the posting prowess of the Doodles.

- 2kids’ random questions were embraced and resurrected by T.B.A.

- People collect weird stuff (Santas???).

- We briefly discussed the merits of choosing BNL over your family.

- Many newbies joined in the insanity. Notable arrivals include T.B.A (91 posts in just a few days – could this be a new WE?), his uncles (skates and BriBT), and athousanddreams. Yay to the brave newbies!!!

- Both gas and milk prices are way too high (and highest for Rankin). It is possible to make pumping gas very, very dirty.

- 2kids5cats was quite sick this week. What this meant for the rest of us was a series of topics headed by pictures of large snakes, waterfall excursions, an interesting manicure, the funky stilt dude, an unfortunate Superman, death by shoes, a backwards head, twisted people, that very pierced guy who spawned much debate, and the creepy change-in-nose person. 2kids has apologized for some of these pictures.

- 95 people were online at one point on Monday. Does anybody remember why this was? I think I might have been one of them, but I can’t think of what was so important.

- The balcony depth was sufficient.

- Canada doesn’t have the Stanley Cup again. That really just seems wrong somehow.

- Shell has an avatar-changing problem.

- Pan’s Labyrinth is a good movie. But creepy. Really, really creepy.

- The post notification thing from this board is kind of screwy. Right after posting that I didn’t get notifications anymore, I got three. And haven’t gotten any since. Screwy.

- NiceyDoodle crashed her car. Nicey was mocked by WildEagle. Then karma stepped in, and WE crashed his car. Does this mean the Doodles have no vehicles?

- The never-ending attempt to identify Garyrulez continued. We will apparently fail.

- If this message board does not provide enough time-wasting for you, why not try fantasy baseball or hockey? That should cover it.

- Some people will not be drinking on the cruise. I will not be one of those people.

- High school memories can be nostalgic and they can be painful. The best thing I can say about high school is that it was better than middle school…

- Microsoft. Word.

- Lots of goofy names out there. Parents can be so mean…

- There was much debate over the issue of posting topics about yourself (I don’t need to, since I just post this every week and get to say whatever I want ) and the way certain names are associated with certain types of posts. We argued about arguments. Some of us grew nervous at the realization that there were lurkers reading EVERY WORD and keeping silent… . Several people with more than 2000 posts each discussed how they often felt like lurkers.

- The important issue of which condiments people would like to be was addressed.

- Jericho will be renewed. What do you think CBS did with all the nuts?

- Rock n’ Roll Jeopardy with BNL people was cool. More shows, Alaina!

- Smoked meat is yummy, as are other foods.

- This week’s animal invasion stories involved cute baby skunks, sleeping bag-invading raccoons, and bats. Not dead snakes…

- polyester_angel time-traveled from June 5 to June 2, which is somehow related to PV. Martinis can be tasty. Honey (aka bee puke) is not vegan.

- More terribly important and useful information was imparted about the person above…

- Oh how the girls talked! Poor T.B.A. picked a bad first thread... Penii come in a variety of sizes and can be made to tingle with minty KY. Alaina is way cool and will someday (soon, probably) have boys chasing her all over. If not, see Ellen for a gypsy curse. I dated two of the guy types on Wednesday. Neither of them have called me. Stupid Elation blind dates…

- How is it that we’ve asked 62 pages of questions?

- Unfortunately, the Fortunately/Unfortunately thread has only 7 pages. Fortunately, it’s been around for a much shorter time.

- The guys have moved on to other sports. College sports are way bigger in the US than in Canada. I don’t get it either.

- Church readerboards can be funny.

- If you don’t know your ABCs, pick one of our 87 pages (although preferably one in which certain letters are not skipped).

- We now know how to make goulash and how to cut mangoes/avocados.

- Bacon returns! (Thank you so much for making it possible for me to say that. )

- If this board isn’t weird enough for you otherwise, I suggest reading the 3 word story.

- Kids and their access to technology is an issue these days.

- It’s “someone’s” birthday! Happy Birthday Whoever you are!

- The guy who plays Dr. Burke on Gray’s Anatomy was fired. Not a surprise, even to those of us who don’t actually watch the show.

- This week brought some f’in hot weather. Amicus needs to work on this.

- There are lots of good vocalists out there, which makes it really hard to pick a top 5. Steve was well-represented, for some strange reason…

- If you want to get people really upset and angry on a message board, just ask if the message board makes people upset or angry. If they weren’t before, they will be.

Peace. Love. Post.

And that’s all folks.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Insanity That Was This Week (6/1/07)

Advance apologies if this trails off mid-sentence anywhere. I’m tired. But my duty to this board is more important to me than silly, useless things like sleep! Or sanity, for that matter.

So, without further ado, the Week in Review (I miss the poetry thread…):

First, a brief mention of the Seven Seas Lobby and the Indian Library. People do post in these threads. Just not very much. So just go read them yourselves, you lazy message board readers! I can’t do everything around here…

Now, on to the Victory!

- Fin still hasn’t answered any of our questions. I don’t think he loves us anymore…

- Many people wanted to copy the excellent t-shirt designs that have been posted. Remember, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And will be kind of funny when everyone shows up in “If lost, please return to room ___” shirts on the cruise. Are you all that worried about not getting back to the cabin?

- So Cal people are still planning their gathering. I’m going to kind of miss it when they actually have the gathering, and I can’t mention the planning anymore.

- People are happy not to be teenagers anymore. I agree.

- More UK folk will be joining us. They should post more.

- Despite the lameness that was Medusa’s Lair, many are planning to boogie on the next cruise.

- The full contents of Jamba Juice have been made available to us. I still want to know that company’s comments on the fact that one translation of their name means Fart Juice.

- Sixthman is still working on a host hotel. I just can’t believe there are people organized enough to want that information already!

- The origins of “See you on the cruise!” were discussed. I had honestly never thought about this before.

- There will be guitars. Consult nvcatgut if you are at all unclear about this.

Now, in brief, because I’m tired and still need to deal with the Buffet, here’s the week as it was in the Caribbean Lounge:

- We have some confirmed artists for the cruise! I, for one, am kind of relieved that BNL and Guster are on it.

- Gaelic Storm and Guster both rocked.

- Guster needs to work on their geography, or possibly just their route planning, though.

- In case there ever was any doubt, there are now several WE (HEART) EVERYONE-IN-BNL THREADS to choose from.

- BNL concerts are coming! Yay!

Now, the moment that you’ve all been waiting for and that I’ve been dreading to type, the Grand Buffet:

- The biggest news of the week is of course that WildEagle hit 2000. WE joined this board on March 10. Of THIS YEAR. Since his post rate has since increased, if anything, I expect he’ll leave us all in the posting dust within the next few weeks. Scary…

- annaonthemoon hit 1000, meaning that there are now 14 posters with more than 1000 posts apiece. Who knew there were so many of us freaks out there?

- Also important, I am, however briefly, the number one poster. But if I keep writing posts as long as this one, I won’t have time to stay in that spot…

- Star Wars is now 30. So am I. Yay 30!

- There was a little more nostalgia for the departing shows. But we’ve mostly moved on. Except for the Jericho fans, who have found a novel use for mail-order nuts.

- Thanks to exportedmolson, we all understand that car racing is a sport, despite its use of motor vehicles.

- The merits of cats and dogs being used as alarm clocks was debated. I really hope the Humane Society doesn’t read this board…

- Puking in pools is really, really gross. I don’t want to think about this anymore.

- Rubber chickens + throwing fake blood = science.

- The Muppets are totally cool. And should be adored by all.

- European condom ads are also totally cool. And were adored by all.

- People defined their MySpace coolness by friend requests by the Odds. I didn’t get one, but that’s only because I was already their friend.

- Ringtones can be entertaining.

- HAIL! (I can’t think of anything to say about this.)

- REM wrote a song with lyrics so confusing that even they don’t know them.

- Many things make us laugh. Many of those things are on YouTube.

- A few of us were annoyed by a brief Internal Service Error. But it’s gone now, so we can get on with our important message boarding.

- We came back from Memorial Day weekend. That was a really boring holiday.

- Pirates of the Caribbean 3 was mostly viewed favorably and made lots of booty. Some theaters are cooler than others.

- There are many disturbing ramifications of 40 becoming 20…

- Bob Fosse, hockey, and curling were brought together. As it should be.

- Our iPod reviews were in no way endorsed by Apple. But they probably could have been.

- Desk moving is hard, hot tubs are fun, and WE can get you stuff.

- “What’s the worst that can happen” was the greatest message board game ever! Until it was suddenly run over by an old woman muttering “Damned cats.” And then it exploded.

- Everything old is new again in fashion.

- News is interesting, Harry Potter might be evil, there are possible upsides to book burning, many kids’ series books are crap, and there are many ways to inspire reading.

- Weight was lost.

- Ed sang Brian Wilson. And it was weird.

- Nicey’s new avatar appears to be a nuclear alpaca. And proves that cute and creepy can go together.

- Some songs are disturbing. But considering that screwed-up musicians write them, we shouldn’t be so surprised.

- Insomnia sucks. Especially when you don’t get to sleep because you’re writing insanely long weekly review posts…

- Gwen Stefani sucks. And PA should have known better…

- The Superbowl is right after the cruise. And football has reared its ugly, helmeted head among the guys…

- More cool crafts were crafted.

- Sandals can be silly. And possibly made out of cats.

- PA is too important at work to see BNL.

- But she still needed our help to get lunch and plan her day…

- The sarcasm thread has got to be the ABSOLUTE COOLEST THREAD EVER! I just can’t stop reading it. You’re all just SO witty and cool that I can’t even begin to handle it.

- Songs can have associations that we might not want.

- There were a few more quotes.

- Many bathing suits are scary. And inspire insane amounts of Wednesday night posting on how much posting is good, the relative coolness of posting, Slurpees and chips, and the meat content of french fries.

- Not everyone in Wisconsin knows each other, apparently.

- Misheard lyrics just make the songs that much better.

- Education results in pains in the head and even more pains in the back.

- Shoe sizes are related to fluffers which are related to Crocs which are related to Corgis which are related to penii. Go figure.

- The politics thread, which had already turned to religion, turned from missionaries to banana hammocks to gardening to perversion to scuba diving to swimming lessons to snake-killing flip-flops to missionaries to vacationing in the Doodle’s yard to okey dokey to movies…

- We now have 76 pages of the ABCs…

- If this board ever gives you a headache, there are many remedies for that.

- Knocked Up was funny.

- Nicey is apparently a reckless parking lot driver and was much mocked by her husband.

- More questions from 2kids… (Are they going to keep coming? )

- Many sounds are annoying. But message boards are silent…

- We debated the merits of posting entire threads about oneself. As someone who’s done this, I should probably support the practice. But I’d rather be a hypocrite and will stand firm against it.

- Fortunately, we have a new game on the board. Unfortunately, it led to many posts that I had to read very quickly before writing the review.

- Oh how the girls talked! There were dates! And there were sexual positions and locations!

- Harry Potter is great (the books, not the movies, which are only OK) and WILL NOT DIE.

- Other drivers are almost as annoying as those people in the movie theaters.

- Is it possible that the questions thread has reached 51 pages?

- There are ways to entertain yourself on the internet. Other than this message board.

- Record sales are just plain weird.

- As is anything having to do with the phrase “Polyester Opening…”

And on that note, I’m going to bed.

Message Board for Dummies (5/25/07)

*** We have Rankin to thank for this week’s title.

A bit of a disclaimer: I am considering this weekly summary to be a Happy Hour and am drinking a glass of wine. If the following begins to get incomprehensible by the end, blame the booze, not the writer.

To start us off, a bit of repartee from this week:
Michelle in WI: "You can't BBQ the Ladies! That'd just be wrong!"
polyester_angel: "not even if they're wraped in bacon?"

To the Victory, for the news we might actually need:

- Fin needs to start answering his questions again. Doesn’t he understand that our curiosity should be his first priority?

- There was some mild speculation about what sort of contests will be held on S&DIII. But that did not lead to wild conjecture, due to the fact that we still have something like 9 months until the cruise.

- A new poster named ukcan is from Montreal. This makes polyester_angel very happy.

- WeedMage is going to the Folklife Festival in Seattle this weekend. Other people should go too – it’s fun. I’m too far away though…

- If you want to understand the Pacific Northwest, just read the list of traits in the WA State Peeps thread…

- Our second payments were due to Sixthman. If you haven’t paid, you’re late now.

- We discussed planned arrival dates, the merits of various airports, Miami tattoos, and how to carry your stuff.

- The cabins weren’t too noisy last year. The medical staff on the boat seemed to be getting mixed reviews. To play it safe, try not to get sick.

- Whitney-palooza is still on for karaoke next year!

- The SoCal gathering continued in its amazingly organized planning.

- There are a bunch of websites that will let you design t-shirts. already has one designed. I still need to work on mine… But it will be totally cool.

- San Francisco people like to talk about their cars.

- Don’t forget that there will be another naked photo! And drink fart juice!

- People might bring some guitars aboard and can get chords from nvcatgut for those guitars.

And now to the much-neglected Caribbean Lounge:

- People apparently don’t want to make others jealous by relating the best BNL banter. Or maybe they’re mean and don’t want the rest of us to enjoy it…

- Come here to be reminded what concerts cost on a per-minute basis (it’s scary…).

- Guster will be in Philadelphia in July. They seem to do a lot of touring.

- Kevin got a thread and was loved and quoted by many. And I mean really loved. A lot. So when are Jim and Tyler going to get a thread?

Enough of the topical stuff. We obviously don’t care so much about any of that. It’s at the Buffet where all the action, as usual, is:

- Themes of the week: Mormons, bacon, and Hasselhoff…

- Ed was in Queens last Saturday, but I didn’t see him. Which sucks.

- PA wants to go to McGill, which is an excellent school with a high-ranking international reputation. But she just wants to party!

- PA needs to go to university soon so as not to be so ignorant of culturally-important things like underoos.

- We still are pissed off at the TV networks and their canceling-ways.

- There’s a thread about Morrissey. I’m not cool enough to participate in such a thread.

- Chewing penis candy is appropriate and kills threads faster than just about anything.

- If you advertise in the Canadian Yellow Pages, you could win a party with BNL! How do I start a company in Canada?

- Shell got lonely on Saturday when he was left all alone on the board. And Kamloops apparently is stinky.

- Some people love Monty Python. Others hate Monty Python. The second group is wrong.

- annaonthemoon posted a creepy baby scrapbook page. Which others defended… This is why I don’t scrapbook.

- We should all be very concerned that the Alpaca thread was not the weirdest new thread this week.

- Tivos are cool, and so is the BBC, even to those with no British humour. Garyrulez will be testing Michelle in WI on Friday Night Lights. And then will facilitate her drunkenness.

- We discussed what we want to be when we grow up. I personally will take any suggestions on that subject.

- WildEagle thinks we need insanity goggles. Who needs goggles?

- Dancing with the Stars is over. Someone won. I don’t really care who.

- The guys have let the rest of us know that Ottawa and Anaheim will play for the Stanley Cup. And I’m sure they’ll tell us when one of those teams wins.

- PA’s sister is annoying. As is my roommate. But not as annoying as other people’s roommates.

- On Wednesday, while the rest of us were elsewhere, WE, NiceyDoodle, and personal venus all said good night to each other. On two different threads… And PV posts in bed!

- WE will be hosting a BNL BBQ. Whether he wants to or not, so he’d better get working on that!

- WE brought some culture to the quotes thread. If only he could bring some to the rest of this board…

- We complained about everybody (and I do mean everybody) else at the movies.

- Michelle in WI’s newest disturbing avatar reminds us of Robert De Niro, Tom Selleck, Sid Haig, and Aguador Spartacus. And yet she says it’s someone else…

- Shell’s in Utah, attending a wedding in Finchy’s ‘hood.

- Both Amicus and I passed the 2000 mark. Amicus was not properly excited about this.

- Michelle was sick. Bugs are creepy. Message board couples are cute.

- The BNL concert in Detroit will have annoying parking that no one will be able to reach due to road construction throughout several states.

- There was much discussion of fast-food burgers. It’s good that we focus on what’s truly important in this world.

- American Idol is over. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Shrek the Third is out and was enjoyed. Harry Potter books are better.

- People really do post a lot on Thursday evenings. I refuse to take any responsibility for this week’s Thursday posting, despite any evidence to the contrary.

- The Hoff and many other exciting celebrities attended the end of American Idol. And I like Reuben sandwiches!

- Today was Towel Day. I hope you all paid your respects to this important holiday.

- We’re a scared bunch. Is it wrong to giggle at the fears of others?

- If you want to declare your love for BNL on film, then you should go to Philadelphia tomorrow morning.

- PA has a lot of sexually-explicit stuff in her Photobucket. I’m not so surprised.

- Politics is now religion. The discussion of which achieved a true miracle and restored our Finchy to us! And caused him to post many, many times so that we would know something about the Church of Latter-Day Saints (apparently there’s more to be learned than what’s on Big Love ).

- Bacon! Bacon is yummy! I love bacon! Woo-hoo bacon! Oh, and Portugal is pretty.

- The girls talked about how to get me a date (no luck yet), PA’s exciting date to Dairy Queen, PA’s subsequent shingles, mountain climbing, and friends without boundaries.

- More questions from 2kids brought us the knowledge that many message board people sleep naked.

- The evil network types promised a conclusion to Jericho, which apparently wasn’t sufficient, since people are mobilizing to save it. Other gone, but not forgotten shows, include Press Your Luck (No Whammies! No Whammies!), The Mole, etc. Nicey called her husband a stalker, and I ate sushi.

- If you want to know anything at all about just about everyone on this board, check out all forty-two pages of “The person above me…”

- Time to plan your Memorial Day weekends! Unless you live in Canada and got your long weekend last week. You are too late to plan much.

- Answering questions with questions is now at 32 pages of inanity.

- Which doesn’t compare to the 59 pages of ABC gaming…

- And still only Amicus knows the truth of the appliances. The rest of us remain in a state of uneasy ignorance, waiting for the glorious day on which the truth shall be revealed!

On that note, I’m done.

Don't say I never do anything for you... (5/19/07)

OK folks, here it is – the way over-anticipated, extra-special DOUBLE week in review. For those of you not keeping track, I was on vacation last week and not posting much (really – my post count was WAY down) and therefore did not feel obligated to tell you all about what I was only skimming. But now I’m back, with an unfortunate amount of free time… And without further ado, here are the last 2 weeks on the message board:

The Victory

Where all the real news is…

- Sixthman got to eat BBQ with BNL and hinted that cool, new stuff will happen on S&DIII. Who knows what that will be…

- We now have a discount code for AirTran. Everybody book your flights right away!

- Some people actually have booked flights. They are much more organized than I am. If you do book a flight, Sixthman would be happy to insure it for you.

- Several new people have booked cabins. Yay new people!

- We were all pretty bored while waiting for our return flights after the cruise. Next year, we should all book flights that leave at 9 AM on the return date. That should cut down on the boredom…

- You can still buy a wristband and be cool like the rest of us.

- The So. Cal. gathering now has a date, time, location, and list of who’s bringing what. Man they’re organized!

- PJ’s cruise countdown thing is totally cool. I’ve got it all over the place now…

- Cruise insurance costs 5% of your cost. Or you can live dangerously.

- People are deciding when to arrive in Miami. Some of those people are factoring in time to get tattoos. Tattoos scare me.

The Caribbean Lounge

- The Steve thread died when we couldn’t think of any more ways to say that he can sing really, really well.

- Thin Buckle and someone named Brent Dennen were discussed.

- Ellen in St. Louis got to go to the concert in Memphis. Lucky Ellen. The concert was apparently good. In her words, “BNL kicked ass, tossed the ass down in the crowd, invited it back up on stage, kicked it again, made fun of it, and at the end had the ass screaming for more.”

- There was some trouble listening to Pioneer Radio, but it’s OK now.

- Ed got a thread. Ed is cool, hot, funny, has a cool country voice, doesn’t drink, might have smoked pot with Willie Nelson, and was briefly missed when stephg dared to change her avatar.

- There might be more Ed’s Up on YouTube whenever the wonderful ShortAlaina can get it up. Yay!

- Garyrulez was disappointed in the lack of response to his banter thread. But it’s just so hard to pick one banter to love!

The Grand Buffet

Where the action really is (be warned, this summary alone is 3 pages as a Word document)… And is the reason why this Week in Review takes so darn long to write…

- I was on vacation. This is the most important thing that happened in the past two weeks, and none of you are allowed to argue that point.

- Several people reached their 1000th post. I believe they were personal venus, NikkiPoooo, WildEagle, and Michelle in WI. safinch would have too, but he is being very Stupid Elation and is now missing.

- Those who have reached 1000 posts are invited to join us in the Honeycomb Hideout, where we expect the Kool-Aid man to soon come crashing through the walls.

- annaonthemoon got back from Ann Arbor and SA. She seems to be missing both quite a lot.

- Many were wished a happy Mother’s Day. Yay Mothers!

- Several people have weird pictures in their photobuckets. Strangely enough, this does not surprise me.

- Unsurprisingly, many of us who waste too much time on the message board also waste time reading comic strips.

- A guy named DarkJedi and his date made a most interesting fashion decision… I’m still convinced that chain mail would chafe.

- Those who watch the Tudors now have information on its theme song. I don’t get Showtime and therefore refuse to care.

- There are many ways to cook carrots. personal_venus used her 1000th post to explain one way. I still hate cooked carrots.

- The discussion of the 80s was miraculously one of the most on-topic threads ever – 7 pages and hardly a digression to be seen!

- There were many naked Mexicans. But we’re still cooler.

- We discussed our earliest memories. I bet many of you have already forgotten that we did that.

- Summer was here! It seems to have left again, but it was nice while it lasted.

- You can find out factoids about your birthday and then do some numerology! And they say that the internet wastes time…

- Shell’s ears were plugged, but then he took some pet medicine that makes you want to shop a lot.

- Nikkipoooo visits

- LadyPage survived a voyage on the Stupid Elation. I still don’t trust it.

- We waxed nostalgic about our first cars…

- Lots of people collect state quarters. I got a South Dakota yesterday! Is Washington out yet?

- Two days left to enter the tofu haiku contest! I know they’ll love mine…

- We filled 6 pages with various foods we don’t like. We’re obviously very picky eaters.

- We have a thread called the 6 Degrees of Hasselhoff. There’s nothing I can say to make that any cooler.

- The Tragically Hip were discussed. And Sarah Polley, who I still think of as that little girl in the Avonlea show.

- A discussion of Canadian spy coins led to Talking to Americans (oh so funny…), our love of Tim Horton’s, iced tea, teabagging, a blond personal venus, and Rankin’s stolen donuts.

- Intervention is apparently a TV show. I’ve never seen it.

- We discussed movies (mostly for kids) that people have seen or will see.

- MoodyCat has pictures of a stuffed bird on the cruise. Did the bird get a discount?

- The Sopranos episode that Michelle saw being taped was aired. I don’t watch that show either.

- We’ve got a lot of allergies. Allergies suck.

- But Ramen is cool! I love Ramen! Yay Japanese noodles with no nutritional value!

- Our “can’t do” thread revealed our general incompetence as a group. And our Coke vs. Pepsi issues and the pigs game.

- I saw the Magic Eye thing! I am so cool! But nowhere near as cool as Musical Genius.

- Michelle in WI has scary and disturbing avatar ideas and a cartoon for a husband.

- Barenaked Chickens! What could I add to that?

- Guys desperately want to watch chick flicks and pretend that it’s still cool for guys to do so.

- We are on a desperate search for good television, hampered by the fact that the evil network people are happily slashing away at all the good shows in a nefarious effort to make everything on TV a reality show. Stupid Elation network executives…

- The Lost home game is dumb (although the show still rocks). But then WildEagle announced he was going to get some, and the thread died.

- We all found out what everyone else was listening to at that exact moment. Probably not the most exciting thread ever, but we still filled several pages with it.

- 2kids5cats needs a kitten in order to stop living a message board-name lie.

- There are many weird town names. Apparently, this reflects poorly on WildEagle.

- There was some nostalgia/humor with regard to our old yearbooks. Did anybody else ever have trouble with people not spelling their name correctly when the book was being signed?

- Hoff and the puppies returned. A new definition of horror has arrived…

- To quote Shell: “Michael Crichton is a douchebag”

- Dancing with the Stars was discussed. But because I have no interest in that show, I will not say what was discussed.

- 13 is everywhere and is probably out to get you. And now people know fun facts about where I went to college!

- annaonthemoon needed cheering up. Worked for me…

- STFU you FHs if you expect me to write more about that thread.

- Penis pictures and (gummy) candies are fun!

- safinch reached the post count of 999 and promptly disappeared. We should hold a telethon or something to raise awareness and find him.

- We have several couples who post a lot, but Nicey and WE are the most closely matched. That seems important to WE.

- Steve blogged about crocs. And we all discussed.

- We learned that people in Montreal are crazy drunks who speak a weird language. Thanks Michele!

- The Dishrack has a Myspace and will probably soon have more friends than me.

- ketchup confessed to being just about every appliance…

- We shared many amusing stories from our childhood and showed that some of us liked explosions and others of us liked to run around in our underwear.

- polyester_angel finished her college-type school that I still don’t entirely understand (sorry Michele).

- The guys (and many girls, to be fair) talked some more about hockey. Very exciting things that I don’t quite follow seem to be happening.

- Pop won! Screw you soda! Sorry, several years of pent-up annoyance at all the East Coast-ers who laughed at me saying pop all these years. Also, hamburgers are yummy (although a little creepy when served on a donut).

- There was speculation with regard to “The Ultimate Barenaked Ladies Giveaway.” In our minds, this means anything from a free CD to Barenaked love children…

- The girls talked about PA’s date (we’re all jealous), our detested monthly cycles, male menopause, making out and other PDAs, inhibitions (or lack thereof), an orgy in my honor, and the availability of those who work on the cruise ship.

- We had a big hello for hello_city, which we do for every single new post-er on this board. Really.

- We still know our ABCs (but are still working on some of the other letters). 48 pages later…

- Prom will be online this year. Come join us for a popinjay-planned extravaganza featuring an open bar, all sorts of interesting couples (and trios, quads, etc.), fantastic attire, and my date. Have you seen my date?

- 2kids asked some more random questions. Which many of us could not help but answer.

- How long can people answer questions with another question? Would you believe for 19 pages so far? Why would people do this? Is it possibly because they’re loonies?

- Politics was discussed. And I’m not going to discuss it anymore, so stop goading me ketchup!

- Jericho (the show, in case you’re like me and never watched it) is going to be canceled. Apparently this sucks as much as the cancellation of Veronica Mars. But I doubt it.

- We all know so much about the people above us that it’s kind of scary. What on earth will we all talk about in January when we finally meet?

And that, my dear virtual friends, is all of it. At least it’s all of it that I care to write about. If some of it is incoherent, especially toward the end, be kind. Because there was a helluva lot of posting during these last two weeks.*

* Hey, remember when we were worried that everybody would stop posting, and the board would just kind of die? Guess we shouldn’t have worried so much…

We're one week closer to the cruise! (5/4/07)

And so it's time for another review. Before I begin, however, I would just like to announce that I will be mostly absent for the next week or so. Going on a southern vacation, although unfortunately nowhere near a BNL concert.

For the rest of you, this means a few things:
a) I won't be around to read your posts, so please stop posting now. I will let you know when it's OK to start posting again.

b) Amicus, and probably Nicey, will soon have more posts than me again. Since I'm kind of embarassed about my posting total at the moment, this is very OK...

c) Someone else has to review the week next weekend. There's no way I'm going to do it...

OK. Disclaimers or whatever they were are over. Time to review this wonderful week in which we all entered May!

- First of all, and by far the most important, I somehow ended up with the most posts on the board. I don't know how such a thing could happen.

- Also kind of important, the new and improved Ships and Dip board made its appearance. Despite massive fears (on my part anyway) that this would mean the end of the board as we know it, everything was fine. Kind of anti-climactic actually.

- We got real cruise info! We now can get discounts from Airtran and Hertz! So everybody go book your flights now!

- Thanks to PJ, we can all know exactly how much time is left before the cruise. And look at naked BNL at the same time!

- Karaoke was discussed. Can't think of anything to add to that.

- You can still buy a wristband. You should buy a wristband. Conform.

- If you want to book a penthouse, you might get some perks. But you can't, because they're all sold out. So don't worry about it.

- It's very expensive to fly to Florida from the UK, but people have already found good deals (and are way more proactive than us lazy North American people).

- Apparently, on some cruises, there is a chocolate buffet. I WANT A CHOCOLATE BUFFET. Oh, and ganache is yummy too.

- People from a region other than California are thinking about meeting each other. The WA state/Oregon/BC people should definitely meet, preferably sometime in mid to late August so I can go. And then we can all discuss why everybody should do the Puyallup.

- Steve is a good singer. So is Ed. But he doesn't have a currently active thread about him, so the Ed faction better get on that soon.

- There might still be some Detroit tickets for sale. I got lost in the banter.

- Various music acts, many of which I know little about, were discussed. Including Brett Dennen, the Brothers Creeggan, Thin Buckle, Mike Doughty, Gaelic Storm, Guster (they had a free show), and Flight of the Conchords.

- Many people are going to the Buffalo concert. I am. And so are those other people. Buffalo is very close to Niagara Falls, which is a town with many hotels. And Marineland, the home of Happiness.

- We all know our ABCs. But not, apparently, our Ys.

- Shell returned to Arizona, but not without grievous damage to his ears. And a flight full of annoying people, who fortunately did not projectile vomit on him. That's really, really gross.

- Rankin got tofu. Lasagna was enjoyed.

- The 80s were like, totally awesome!

- The guys disapprove of highlighting a puck and possibly stupid hockey player controversy. They do like beer. There are mixed opinions about lacrosse.

- Pinatas are neat! Even when made out of sheep heads and dead horses!

- One of us being a bozo means that other people (2kids...) can post freaky clown pictures. And lime tastes good on tacos!

- The CA people are less organized than I thought. That makes me feel better about the rest of us.

- There were more stupid quotes. And some stupid laws.

- WE came out. As Amicus. People are weird around here...

- A discussion of off-topic threads got ugly. But did result in playground and campfire (Kumbaya anyone?) imagery, plus a cool, new avatar for Finchy. So it's not all bad.

- Irregardless who they are, many of us don't like grammar and spelling errors.

- There are a bunch of songs that people don't like. And where does Gwen Stefani get off releasing Wind It Up at the same time as BNL?

- There are many dumb jokes about flies. But even more dirty jokes, so that's OK.

- There might be a Dead Like Me movie. That could either be really cool or kind of dumb.

- When wearing white pants (trousers for our UK friends), be careful of your underwear's (pants') color (colour).

- Nicey is crazy about Dirty Dancing. But we will definitely not put her in the corner for it.

- Get ready for the Rocky Horror Picture Show on the boat! Well, maybe. But it would be cool!

- Today was no pants day. I don't observe this holiday.

- A new event for S&DIII = Sex stories on the Lido deck! Fun for the whole family!

- Canadians hate Toronto. This hatred apparently causes many to reveal secrets of their sexual history.

- We love cheesy commercials from our youth! Even if they don't have the one for Gremlins cereal...

- Our appliance friends were mostly silent this week. Their identities remain a mystery -- I'll buy anyone a drink on the boat who provides me information that leads to their identities! Whoever they are, the lead suspects are still Gary and Amicus...

- The new board was slow for awhile, and then mysteriously sped up immediately upon the slowness being commented on. They're watching...

- A discussion about the buffet brought up Guitar Hero (Finchy's got the moves!), off-topic-ness, the possibility of a chat room, and ants. Ants suck.

- Nicey needed help with dinner. Apparently everybody but me on this board owns a crock pot. I'm not exactly sure what a crock pot is.

- Many people post a lot. Several of them just realized it.

- If you're looking for a scrapbooker, go to Utah.

- Japanese people don't really buy sheep, thinking they're poodles. But it would be funny if they did.

- According to the Gender Genie, these weekly reviews are written by a man. Isn't technology cool?!?

- Finchy came back. Obviously, since he's been mentioned multiple times in the review.

- Many of us watched a depressing futurism video which implied that, in the time I've been typing this post, China has taken over the world and I have become obsolete. Oh well.

And that's it! Or that's all that I feel like typing. Since I have to get up for a flight in about 6 hours, it's enough. Now everyone can fight over who gets to review next week! But don't post!

What's Weak This Week (4/27/07)

I'm writing this a day earlier than last week. Partially because I'm bored. Partially because I have to move it to Friday next week anyway. Partially because the message board is supposed to go *poof* this weekend. And partially because there was so much posting that I just don't want to wait another day. Especially posting by NiceyDoodle and 2kids5cats.

- First and foremost, the message board will be overhauled. Apparently a major reason for this is that we're all posting so much (especially Nicey and 2kids) that people can't find real info.

- In other major news, we still have an appliance problem. Four inanimate objects are running amock on this board, posting willy-nilly and remaining annoyingly anonymous.

- Niceydoodle and 2kids5cats posted so many important and interesting things!

- People can still send radio shows in to Pioneer Radio. But they shouldn't, because I want mine to be played.

- Many have commented that my drink fund is but pennies away from $100. And it's going to stay that way for at least another day (no change today).

- Carnival has re-allowed non-alcoholic beverages, so the people who wanted to bring cranberry juice should be very happy. They still won't let me bring scotch.

- The girls talked! Mostly about shopping this week, although dirty books made a brief appearance this evening.

- Guster performed in many places in the Northeast. People enjoyed their journals. Energy drinks are apparently a possible health hazard.

- Several attempts to arrange clues and suspects in order to find the identities of the appliances failed. We are now all suspects, the clues are pointing in multiple directions, there are possible red herrings, Sixthman and BNL people are suspects too, answers are desired by many but provided by none.

- Along with that, Gary and Amicus have admitted to being appliances. We don't believe them. Except that most of us still think Gary's involved. Further proof that logic has left the building.

- There will be a Ben Folds cruise next year. Unfortunately, we're all too broke to go.

- DWasher (an appliance if you really haven't read anything this week) appears to speak both French and Swahili. With the exception of a one-letter spelling error, the Swahili was even correct!

- We still love Ed's Up. And Ed. Who we have exonerated of all possible wrong-doing in his life.

- Gary started a thread about whether or not he's an appliance. And he wonders why we all suspect him...

- There's a link to download the Guster Lido deck show.

- NiceyDoodle and 2kids5cats inspired us all with their presence this week.

- Lots of post envy happened. I surpassed Nicey, only to be quickly surpassed by her in an orgy of posts. I think I've passed her again, but only because she's out of town. Yay people with 500 posts! Shell's almost to 1000! We are all so cool!

- In a related topic, we now have an explanation for the types of posters we all are. It's good to know that we're just like everyone else.

- Matt White will be playing in Chicago on April 30.

- There are lots and lots of quotes. Also, dissatisfaction with the government, Newfie geography, Ann Coulter, Woody Allen, and ballots. Plus, personal_venus admitted to neglecting her children while reading this board!

- Suebee and cmm2 are way better about getting in shape for the cruise than I am.

- There will be several birthdays on S&DIII. Party on!

- On Thursday evening, NiceyDoodle and WildEagle posted roughly 2-3 pages on what they would be having for dinner that evening, despite being in the same room while posting.

- We read books. Many of the same books apparently.

- More discussion of tenders and muster drills. I really like chicken tenders with mustard.

- Finchy hasn't been around much over the past couple of days. We miss him!

- polyester_angel had cooking issues and was mocked. CayCay made cookies. I like cookies.

- Gaelic Storm will be playing somewhere (don't know where) on May 31.

- A thread labeled "On topic" veered off-topic in about 3 posts. The subjects covered since yesterday include dinner, cars, my drink fund, and KitchenSink lust.

- If you were an appliance, what kind of appliance would you be? How scary is it that this is what we spend our time on?

- We know a lot of BNL lyrics but are pretty much incapable of using them in a coherent manner.

- Suicide was discussed. Suicide sucks.

- There were some more poems. They were fewer in number Than they were last week.

- The guys talked about hockey and hawt chicks.

- Nicey and WildEagle have way too much access to cat photos.

- We answered tough questions and Scattergories, thanks to 2kids.

- PA's school sucks, as do universities.

- The dream discussions included conversations about my avatar (no one disses al-Sufi!), the Simpsons, Taco Bell, Gary's many avatars, and David Hasselhoff.

- Small, furry animals met bad ends.

- We want more phone calls. Or fewer phone calls. Or maybe just texts. I'm going to stick to the message board.

- And NiceyDoodle and 2kids5cats were all-around awesome.

And I'm out. There was probably more than this. People posted a lot. Possibly too much. Stop posting so much people! Too bad I'm one of the worst offenders...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Week in Review, Part Deux (4/21/07)

Hey, the topic title almost rhymes!

I'm doing this again, mostly because I don't want to work at the moment, and there aren't enough messages otherwise for my procrastination. Plus, if you missed anything this week, you'll be sorry forever. This doesn't mean there will be Weeks in Review forever though. Don't get complacent...

So here's the week, in order of the topics I remembered first:

  • A relatively normal discussion about the naming of computers led to a discussion of the naming of inanimate objects. Then we all found out that Gary has plans to name his (left) sock Doug and his daughter Gandalf.
  • The above conversation sent the whole board directly into the Twilight Zone, where the newly-named inanimate objects took over entire threads (at least 3) with discussions of their sordid love lives. To date, no one has admitted to a secret identity as a DishRack, KitchenSink, Salt Shaker, or D. Washer. Only Amicus knows...
  • A discussion of what our names would be if... proved (if the above conversations did not) that we are all freaks.
  • Despite rampant freakishness, UK S&Ders appealed to patriotism and the state of British music in order to get more of their kind aboard next year. Unfortunately, none of these exhortations have gotten me a 5th roommate (we're still looking, if anyone's interested...)
  • WildEagle has a new avatar that looks like a big rock penis. It was commented on many, many times. He's still not satisfied.
  • Despite many of us having tickets to the show, BNL are still not officially listed at Artpark in Buffalo in June.
  • Last week's sandwich thread died amidst book and musical reviews.
  • Some people had Cleveland tickets for sale. They're probably already gone...
  • Although Michelle in WI is back in WI, and thus back in our lives, both annaonthemoon and Shell were out of town. Didn't stop them from posting...
  • Oh, and Michelle saw Tony Soprano in Vegas!
  • The people in Southern California are still the only ones who are trying to meet each other. The rest of us are probably too lazy.
  • We talked about the weather. It was crappy and cold in the NE at the beginning of the week. Now it's nice and beautiful. I don't really care about the rest of you.
  • The Brits have a really good exchange rate at the moment and should therefore buy the rest of us poor economy people drinks on the cruise.
  • There was unanimous consensus that NikkiPoooo's hair looks great.
  • The Guster fans raved about past and future concerts. I totally missed them in New York...
  • Weight loss success was reported, and some people ran. Some with their dogs, others with their cats...
  • The world outside this message board totally sucked and wasn't funny at all.
  • Hotels in Miami are officially expensive. Members of this message board are officially cheap.
  • PA tried to raise the cultural level our discussion by bringing up Shakespeare. Unfortunately, we are a people who are more likely to reply to a thread that deals with kitchen appliances and their love lives.
  • We still like stuff, including the stalking of certain inanimate objects.
  • Some people want to go to Key West after the cruise. I'm sure it's nice, but I'll be way too broke by then...
  • PV finally had her birthday. The weeklong celebrations continued!
  • There was a scary laughing man. If there is a God, this man will never come near our cruise.
  • Ed sang some more in the bathroom and we all adore him.
  • We like a lot of movies. And we know a lot of quotes from those movies.
  • Many of us have weird dreams, mostly about the cruise. We also have weird thoughts and are probably deranged.
  • The Girls tried to talk about skin care and the Guys made it all about goat semen. But then, they have nothing of their own to talk about besides hockey, so I guess they're desperate.
  • Chicken tenders are yummy. Boat tenders are a pain, but hopefully won't be horrible.
  • GaryRulez joined the rarified club of people who have WAY too much time on their hands and have posted more than 1000 times.
  • Thank God You're Here, Jericho, Lost, Dancing with the Stars, and commercials were all discussed. When do any of us have time for work or family?
  • Suebee makes cool bracelets. I'll probably buy one if I ever have money again.
  • Dr. Evil came back to us!
  • Amicus doesn't like avatars, but she does like nuts.
  • We now know how young many of us are.
  • The poetic thread had now expanded into limericks. Some of them weren't even dirty.
  • And finally, a topic entitled "Where is everyone?" elicited 2 pages of responses. Thus proving that we are all, in fact, right here. We should probably get lives. Says the person who just spent half an hour on one post...

And that's the week! If I forgot anything, feel free to post about it. But be nice to me. It's hard to keep track of a week's worth of insanity. And now I have to go prepare a presentation... Please post more!!!

Comments from the Peanut Gallery

NiceyDoodle: ::applauds:: Excellent again! Here I thought it was a boring week, but this week turned out to be even more exciting than last week!

2kids5cats: Good on ya, RM! Very well done. However, I think I'd better step up my game. While there were references to threads I've started, my actual name didn't get mentioned at all. I can't be having that!!

Musical Genius: Excellent, mzungu... Hats off to you and those of you who apparently have the time to read each and every single word on this board. I don't, but highly appreciate the time and hard work you put into this recap. Keep 'em coming!!!

personal venus: Better than starting my day with the local newspaper. Thanks, RM. You're the best!

NiceyDoodle: Yeah what is up with that? You and I didn't even get mentioned!

The Dishrack: At least I got a mention!

CayCay: Well done. *claps enthusiastically*

The Rankin Family: RM - You are one of a kind, your dedication is inspiring!

really_mzungu: In response to the gripes from 2kids5cats and NiceyDoodle, an addition:

- NiceyDoodle and 2kids5cats both posted many, many times and delighted us with new and amusing avatars.

Sufficient? Hope so, because I need to do other things today. It's nice out and all, so sitting in front of the computer is silly. Bye now!

2kids5cats: Sí, soy muy feliz ahora. Gracias mucho.

Michelle in WI: Excellent summary, once again. Very complete (and from the looks of it, time consuming). Nice job!

dr.evil: What was the middle part again? Dr. Evil Nice job!

WildEagle: Seems how I haven't been around that much thanks for the summary. I am still confused about most things but now at least I sort of know how nuts you all are

really_mzungu: :P

NikkiPoooo: I may have helped you out on that this weekend... you should have a PM from Jackie. She PMed a few people, and then told me and I told her to room with you guys if you still had the space. She was my partner in crime on TRB last year.

Week in Review (4/14/07)

For all those who don't read this board obsessively:
- Finchy became Grinchy, but then we all were happy about things we like.
- Nikkipoooo got a haircut.
- Nicey hates kids.
- The people in Southern California are way more proactive about meeting than the rest of us, even if the date is too far in the future for some of them.
- It is difficult to slow down some post-ers, even if they have to write in haiku.
- Most of us are not vegetarians, but we all know about vegetarianism now.
- Whitney Houston will be honored in karaoke on the next cruise, unless the world ends first.
- The girls talked on the girl talk thread.
- There will be a BNL concert in Buffalo and apparently in Chicago. I have a front row seat in Buffalo (that's not really news, but I'm still really happy).
- Guster is playing in many, many places. But I'm too broke to go (see previous line).
- Many people like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Many people like grilled cheese. This requires many, many posts. And then veers into psychological evaluations and theatrical reviews.
- Mothers (and others) gave many fashion tips.
- Some phones worked on the Legend. Some didn't. Mine didn't.
- Michelle in Wisconsin was not in Wisconsin. She was in Vegas. Now she's back.
- No one on this board is Halle Berry, apparently.
- Many people enjoy The Big Lebowski.
- We all watched too much TV as kids.
- Kurt Vonnegut died.
- Both Polyester Angel and Dr. Evil were mostly absent (if other people were too, I'm sorry for my neglect).
- Hockey teams did not perform as well as hoped.
- WildEagle tried REALLY hard to provoke people with his new avatar. So far, little response...
- 2kids5cats is WAY better at finding cool stuff on the internet than the rest of us mere mortals.
- Post counts are way, way up for many people. Did I forget anything important? Or as important as what I didn't forget?

Comments from the Peanut Gallery
The Rankin Family: WOW! Thanks for all that. You've just given my husband time for maybe ...2 more nights a week....He thanks you too!

personal venus: I think you've found a new job. I like the weekly summary.

quinbooka: WOW!!! My ADD(self diagnosed) prevents me from reading this board in it's entirety....and also this post! lol But maybe I should try so I can be "in the loop"

shell824: Yeah, but can Pungu summarize Proust ??

personal venus: I don't think Pungu could succeed in encapsulatng the intricacies of Proust's masterwork, so I'm going to award the first prize this evening to the girl with the biggest...

really_mzungu: Long. Complicated. Does anybody actually read him? (I haven't)

erin: The only thing I must add to this is that Don Ho died.

Ellen from Saint Louis: Snort! You said "hard."

safinch: ** whistling...waiting...**

katenev_BNL: That really helped!! Thanks Laurel! And I agree- this is a good gig for you. It's like watching The Soup on E!

NiceyDoodle: *applauds* very well done!

WildEagle: Is Pungu going to become the Perez Hilton of the S&D board now?

CayCay: That Avatar just kills me everytime I see it!

folkstar: but even if the world does end, it will be ok, because i've spent it with all of you; not to mention the fact that my love is your love ... see the tribute has already begun!

Katiesue04: Thanks now I feel like I didn't miss anything on the board!

Garyrulez: We're going to log on one day and see all of our avatars with white stuff on the lips

Amicustoall: Nicely done really. Of course, now we will need to see if the interaction slacks off this week, because everyone is sitting and waiting for the very comprehensive recap!

really_mzungu: If it does, there will be no Week in Review next week. I'm not carrying everyone else here...

Amicustoall: I hope it doesn't either really!