Thursday, April 16, 2009

Alas! No clever title this week. (8/24/07)

Another week. Another 50,000,000 or so posts. I’m getting a little nervous about what this board’s going to be like when we get close to the cruise and have pressing things to post about.

For now, however, I try to keep up with the insanity. This is much more difficult at my parents’ house, where I am expected to share a computer and to actually spend time with said parents and other family members. Fortunately for all of you, I’m tired of them at the moment and have opted to be one of those anti-social internet types.

As I am a little bored with my standard order of recapping, I will begin with the Indian Library:

- The person on S&DI who won the Scrabble tournament received lunch with the band and possibly an autographed board. If only I were good at Scrabble…

- Nudity is apparently not as shocking as many expected, and AZSally saw a lot of Tyler’s butt.

And now I turn briefly to the Seven Seas Lobby:

- americk is still looking for a third roommate, and Jonesy is looking for anyone to share. I wonder if they have found each other…

Before heading over to The Victory:

- There is going to be the greatest pre-cruise gathering in the history of the universe on Sept. 1, chez Barenakedesq in Washington State. Even if you don’t live anywhere nearby, you should consider attending. You will undoubtedly regret it if you do not.

- Although I never saw them on the cruise, apparently Oakhurst tends to surround unsuspecting music fans in enclosed places before serenading them. That’s kind of cool.

- The grief continues among those who did not receive a phone call from BNL. Sixthman may have to schedule daily support group meetings on the Lido Deck. Until then, we’ll all just have to make do with the virtual donuts and shared stories of woe.

- 2kids5cats has the wristbands! And they look good! And she may be sending them soon! Yay! Stuff in the mail!

- The amounts spent by cruisers on the ship varied widely. For the upcoming cruise, when calculating the amount you intend to spend, please factor in the number of $6-$10 drinks you are planning to buy for me. That should help to avoid any confusion.

- There will be more people at the SoCal party on Sept. 1 than at the WA state party. But remember, it’s quality that matters, not quantity.

- The many S&D virgins that plan to attend the upcoming cruise should not be deterred from their anticipation by the many MILFs that wish to haze them.

- Those of you who are organized will be happy to know that JetBlue now has a schedule for January and February. Those of you who are like me still haven’t decided which airport to fly from (though in my defense, I appear to have 4-5 to choose from at the moment).

- Despite the fears of weather forecasters, residents (who understandably didn’t want to lose everything/drown), and anticipation-happy cruisers, the destruction expected to result from Hurricane Dean was not as bad as suspected. So our cruise will not be ruined! Yay! Also, the livelihoods and lives of millions of people are OK too.

- Possibly in response to the level of complaining reached by certain members of this board, Lauren very kindly posted audio files of the various phone calls. Thank you for that, Lauren. But I’m still going to moan and whine.

- Host hotel info is on its way! Which will be great, because then I can book a room and feel like I am organized at least in this small, small way.

- There is some concern that canopy/zip line excursions won’t be as good after the recent hurricane damages. Just as long as it doesn’t affect the dolphin swimming…

- It would appear that the Miami marathon is happening right around the time we all will be getting on the ship. Some people are considering trying to join them. Others are concerned that they may fill up a lot of hotel rooms, making the night before a little more difficult for us. I just plan to toast them from the Lido Deck with one of those pretty tropical cocktails.

Now for the Caribbean Lounge:

- Gaelic Storm in the rain in Milwaukee sounds like way more fun than most other bands in the rain.

- ck122300 has seen an awful lot of bands in concert.

- Thanks to my sister, who was at the London BNL show, I now know what was going on in the picture currently being used by J9x as an avatar. And yes, it was amusing.

- Flight of the Conchords has reappeared as a suggestion for a new band on the cruise. That would make me happy. The mention of someone named Cas Haley, who was apparently on one of those reality show things I try to ignore, incited some debate.

- Guster is playing in Providence on 9/7 and Boston on 9/8. These shows are cheap. Cheap is good. Especially for those of us likely to spend 5 times as much as the ticket price just on getting to the concert…

- The “Barenaked Ladies Are Them” video is amusing. As are the other 67 videos provided by bnlmusic on YouTube. I waste a lot of time on YouTube.

- Although Guster apparently pretends that the album “Parachutes” doesn’t exist (**why is that?), there are a lot of good songs on it anyway.

- Buck 65 and the LeeVees were suggested for the cruise. I’m guessing we have a better chance of getting the LeeVees…

- If you are influenced by the music choices of others, check out the many Top Ten Guster songs to decide what you like.

- Many people like Cake. I like Cake too, especially if it’s chocolate.

- We are saddened to note that we will not be graced by the Thundergod on the cruise, although the sadness is lessened somewhat by the excellent use of “thunder-” in multiple posts. And by the pinch-drumming of Tyler and Andy as well, of course.

And finally, last as always but never, ever least, the Grand Buffet:

- Some people prefer a subscription music download service, while others like to buy songs from a service like Itunes. I do both…

- WildEagle and WeedMage liked Stardust. I plan to like it too, if my family ever decides to actually go to a movie instead of just talking about it.

- 2kids5cats received a great deal of advice on music that should be loaded to this mysterious “Zune” thing that she got last week.

- If the message board does not sufficiently entertain you, you might like to try crocheting a Darth Vader beer hat. Or watching falling sand. Or noticing Michelle in WI’s over 2000 posts. Or sticking bacon to a cat. Or destroying your browser window via shaking or nuclear attack. The possibilities are endless…

- Short Round is old.

- We continued to complain about how hot/cold it was this week.

- Sister Hazel is not cool enough to be on a boat with Barenaked Ladies. Then how do you explain how all of us are cool enough?

- Someone needs to come up with a demotivational saying that starts with a Z or the alphabet game will be no more!

- Some drugs have interesting names and may make you hungry. I don’t need drugs to make me hungry. I am, in fact, hungry right now and very sad that I will not be eating dinner for at least half an hour.

- Many people on this board live in Wisconsin and were talking about it again this week. Also, the singer of “Wilted Rose” does indeed sound like someone from BNL.

- The boys that snapped my bra back in middle school didn’t even get in trouble with the teacher. And now I find out that they could be sent to jail for such an offense! Oh how I was ignorant back then…

- Downloading from Nettwerk is always an adventure. One that probably ends better if you follow up your problem with more than just one e-mail…

- It’s probably a good thing that many people on this board don’t have a million dollars.

- It is extremely annoying, and possibly illegal, to be forced to volunteer on your day off at the request of your employer.

- Michelle in WI is Michelle in the Maritimes this week. That’s a place where people make out with fish!

- Although many songs might qualify for a place on a list of Worst Songs of All Time, I’m sticking to filling that list with the Rod Stewart collection. Ugh.

- BNL will be at the Casino Rama in early September. I, however, will not be, so this is not important.

- Coffee Crisp is or will soon be available to American candy eaters. Who will otherwise still be forced to eat substandard chocolate.

- I could pretend that I carefully read every post in the Big Brother thread. But I won’t.

- There is a site that lists the 100 greatest guitar solos. What I want to know is if any of the songs on this list also made it on the Worst Songs list. That would be cool. **

- The tragic story of a drunken man who was eaten by bears should remind us all that Nature is a bitch and is out to get us.

- In case you don’t think that you’ll be eating enough on the cruise, there may be a candy swap!

- skates is very adept at locating appropriate and amusing images for our message board pleasure. I like it when other people do the work in order to entertain me.

- Earbuds cause deafness, fall out of your ears, and make you prey to thieves. But they also allow me to ignore all of the crazy and annoying people on the subway, so I think it’s a fair trade.

- NikkiPoooo needs PDA advice. I have none.

- Michael Vick pleaded guilty on the dog fighting charges. Although it may all be racism, according to some. Others seem to care more about gambling. I don’t quite understand why the legal system, press, etc. can’t just brand him a dog-murdering jerk and throw the book at him… Must be my ignorance of the law again…

- This week’s Stupid Quotes were not all from WildEagle. Yay for more stupid quotes!!!

- Much to the delight of those on this board who are not girls, the Girls Talked about bras and what fills them this week. The consensus was that bras are quite necessary for many of us, that stick-on bras probably don’t work, and that bras must fit. Why all this would interest guys is a mystery that never expect to solve.

- shell824 stole a survey from Myspace. But it entertained me, so that’s OK.

- John from Cincinnati got arrested for drunk driving somewhere in the vague vicinity of Detroit. Maybe this explains the whole show – John wasn’t a divine messenger, he was just drunk.

- It is not advisable to ever ask Garyrulez for advice on fixing your camera.

- You can go on a “Bob Marley Bus Adventure” when we’re in Jamaica! An authentic tour of this nature could be very, very interesting…

- Anchorwoman, a show I have never seen and probably wouldn’t have watched anyway, was cancelled. Suddenly I care and have yet another reason to dislike the network executive types. Interesting how that works, isn’t it?

- Sixthman and a whole bunch of message board people celebrated Shell’s birthday. My birthday’s in December, in case anybody wants to start planning in advance.

- Despite the best efforts of many to introduce topics, the random thread is still living up to its name, at least most of the time.

- The Big Mac is 40. Will Sixthman send it birthday greetings too?

And now it is dinner time. Bye!

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