Thursday, April 16, 2009

Being in the Pacific Time Zone allows for 3 extra hours! (8/17/07)

So, for the first time since roughly June, I’m not hot and crabby while I write this. Seattle weather is ever so much better than New York weather. Why do I live there again? Anyway…

This marks my first attempt to review the week’s postings from my parents’ house. We’ll see if I get through the whole thing before my mother comes home and wants to hang out. Or check her e-mail. I kind of miss having my own computer…

Enough! There’s way too much of this posting stuff from this week. And so, as always, the Review begins with Victory (does anybody else ever wonder why this forum is named after the whole ship, while the others are only named after small sections? Probably not.):

- Goof, dastumer, and dastumer’s wife are cruisers-to-be in their 40s. I love it that this board doesn’t make me feel old (unlike my real life, in which I am stuck hanging out with 20 year old undergrads on a regular basis).

- GreenSaints will be wearing a British flag on the cruise. Did you know that it’s technically illegal to make clothes out of American flags?

- Gaelic Storm and baseball both happened in the Great Lakes region.

- If you would like to know where Michelle in WI has lived over the past decade or so, that information is available among the cabin info.

- People would like Oakhurst back on the next cruise. Did they really play on the elevators? How did I miss that?

- There WILL be a WA state/Oregon/BC/anyone else close enough gathering on Sept. 1. Or else…

- Some people got a second call from BNL this week. I don’t like these people anymore.

- People in SoCal are overachievers who are probably way less fun to hang out with on Sept. 1 than the cool people in WA state. Please plan your travel accordingly.

- There’s a form you need to fill out if you need to change a guest’s name in the reservation.

- Some of the newbies got their phone calls from the band. Some of them didn’t – welcome to the rejection club! Fortunately, pauprint is offering psychiatric counseling at a very reasonable rate.

- Those of us with no calls definitely deserve a make-up party on the cruise. Sixthman – please get on this. Thank you.

- There’s a $4 train ride that can take you from the Ft. Lauderdale airport to that of Miami, should your travel plans take you to the slightly farther airport.

- More information about how to get cheap hotels off the internet was provided. It’s still way too far away for me to want to think about such things. Eventually though…

- The S&D virgins can take consolation in the thought that us more experienced, worldly cruisers will go easy on you come January. Maybe…

- I would like a BNL Euro sticker for my non-existent car. However, I am far too lazy to pursue such an item on my own. Someone else should take care of this for me. Thanks!

Enough Victory. Now, on to the lesser (in apparent importance, obviously not in volume) fora (this should be the plural of “forum,” right?) of this board, like the Seven Seas Lobby:

- In which americk is looking for someone to help fill a quad, unfinished has come out as the final roommate of the most-talkative roommate finders in history (Jackie Lynn, countabby, et al.), rainstar would like a few more people to share costs, and shorty83 just wants a bed somewhere. I would write more about these people individually, but, due to the aforementioned laziness, I won’t. Unless one of them uses me as a referral. In which case, I will happily write a full paragraph praising their greatness to this board. And I’ll buy them drinks.

But until that time, we must move on to the Caribbean Lounge and all its attending band-love:

- There were a few more shared first times with BNL. Which reminded me, yet again, how much of a loser I was to not get around to seeing them in concert until October of last year.

- Jim is very nice, as evidenced by the stories shared. Jim is also very tall, as evidenced by the picture posted by jengreg6.

- Somehow, it would appear from the photographic evidence that Ed sat next to many different people simultaneously on the cruise. That’s kind of cool.

- Tyler’s pretty darn cool.

- Concert banter is funny. Why aren’t they doing any concerts (concerts that I can get tickets for anyway) these days? They should tour all the time. That’d be neat.

- Not only does Steve sing well, but he also inspires drool in multiple outfits (some of them imaginary).

- Chris Farley was funny and more people have been to many concerts. Only in the crazy, weird world of the message board would these two statements be related.

- Funny things happen at BNL concerts. So sad that we have to wait until January to partake of new funny things.

- Gaelic Storm will be playing in New York City on Sept. 13. Finally I get to see them!

- The Handsome Family and Debra Digiovanni have been added for our cruise enjoyment. We will hopefully figure out who The Handsome Family are before January. But I’m sure they’re very good.

And I still have to recap the Grand Buffet? This takes too long… :

- It would appear that Crash Test Dummies succumbed to suckiness shortly after “And God Shuffled His Feet.” Which is a totally sucky kind of suckiness.

- annaonthemoon’s SA is moving to the Northwest soon. Nice place, but a long, long flight from the East coast.

- Did bobz ever get rid of those Counting Crows/Hootie tickets? Hope so, since that would be an awful waste otherwise.

- charmed one, and others, still liked Hairspray. A lot.

- The Pursuit of Happiness is a band. People like them. I really need to hear more bands…

- White Light, Black Rain, while sounding fascinating and important was too depressing for me to watch. Ahhh, the shallowness of me.

- Injecting drugs is apparently way more effective than swallowing them. Too bad I’m phobic about needles.

- QOOCing people is fun. It’s even more fun when you do it on a t-shirt and can mock people permanently…

- Many of you have enjoyed better spots at concerts more frequently than me. I will now redirect my no-phone-call jealousy to such people.

- If anyone would like to see/edit Rhonda’s resume, it’s available online. If anyone would like help with a resume, sarah11918 is apparently the person to consult.

- Appleton, WI sounds a little odd. I’d probably like it.

- joyful1 just got a new job at a travel agency. And should be sharing the resulting travel-discounts with her bestest friends on the message board.

- If you have forgotten since it was mentioned in the Victory section, the new people got a phone call this week. I am now re-redirecting my jealousy back to those who got such a phone call.

- If you’d like some ideas about helping homeless people is the place to go.

- The big toe is very important and should not be belittled by the Guys when injured. If Tiger Woods broke his big toe, would he still win all the golf tournaments?

- Wil Seabrook has a new album out. Such a pity that they only let him play on the cruise at the same time as BNL. However much I say I want to hear new music, the old favorites always win out in the end…

- If you must get injured while uninsured, try to get hit by a car.

- John from Cincinnati is now over and will be missed by those who have more patience for meandering, weird storylines than I do. Although I did like that theme song…

- There were more quotes. They were, as always, much less stupid than most of what appears on the internet. Or this board, for that matter…

- I’ve never seen 24 Hour Party People, but I think I’d like to be one. Except that this would mean staying up all night, which I dislike. Maybe I’ll be a 16-18 Hour Party Person instead.

- Flying just sucks.

- Garyrulez is a big meany who should not be allowed any pointy objects on the cruise. As if not getting any phone calls wasn’t enough abuse already! Even the brutality brought about by war and the jungle, as seen in Apocalypse Now, pales in comparison to the sadness belonging to those of us who were bereft of BNL and their Eddie Vedder impressions. Sigh…

- It turns out that many of you are not yet my MySpace friends. I will try to remedy that the next time I overcome my unfortunate (and now twice aforementioned) laziness and actually do something with MySpace.

- BNL cover many Smiths songs. That’s fairly cool.

- Ed’s jell-o commercials amuse me. Not that that’s difficult.

- Weeds and Californication are two shows that I would definitely be watching. If only I could afford another premium cable channel. But since I can’t technically afford one, I shall have to wait until the DVDs eventually, someday (probably in about a year) appear.

- If beer must explode on the highway, then it should definitely be Bud.

- WeedMage finished her online game. I have found that I lack the patience for any game that requires dedication and/or more brainpower than solitaire.

- Dave of Dave-n-Anne will be performing at Santana Row tomorrow. I just want to know if there will be melodica music as well!

- 2kids5cats has transferred her downloading loyalty from Napster to Zune. As someone who has never been cool enough to progress much beyond Itunes, I applaud this move.

- Many around here do not like Nickleback. Many do not like Coldplay. And the suckiness list just got longer from there. There is more affection for The Love Boat and Gilligan’s Island. Should you need an insult to describe these or any other disliked people/things, may I suggest dick-face, dick-head, puckered up butthole, dicklick, dickwad, ass print, dill-hole, dill-rod, jerk ass, ass-munch, asshat, penis breath, jag-off, Dick-for-Brains, Mayonnaise Jar F**cker, and chee-bye (if you want to go international). Now please excuse me while I go wash from my hands the filth from typing all that at once.

- It would appear that fewer BNL songs randomly appear on Wednesdays than on other days.

- Sanctions on Cuba may do no good in any meaningful sense, but anything that keeps at least some of those godawful cigars away from me can’t be all bad.

- There are some gold-colored President coins floating around out there. I’ve never seen one, but I don’t usually even see state quarters until about a year after they come out, so this is not much of a surprise.

- It would appear that the majority of us favor cold over hot. After three days of escape from the evil New York summers, I’m definitely putting a vote in for temperate.

- Although the song is very good, apparently whatever actually happened to the Edmund Fitzgerald was far too dull to ever be known.

- I would totally buy BNL underoos. Do you think they’d make them in adult sizes?

- Due to the (thrice) aforementioned laziness, I’ve never gotten around to getting myself business cards. But I might just get some contact cards for the cruise, since that is far more important.

- Many of you watch Big Brother. I think you are all crazy, but who am I to judge?

- What makes Justin Timberlake’s back so sexy? Possibly if I went to as many concerts as some of you, I would know.

- Katiesue04 was nice enough to post the most recent BNL call for us losers who were deprived of it. Such a little thing, but it does begin the healing process.

- “When Washed Up Middle Infielders Attack…” is officially my favorite thread title of the week.

- Those of you with good taste will be happy to know that Flight of the Conchords will be back for another season. Those of you without good taste don’t matter anyway. **

- So You Think You Can Dance is yet another reality show that I ignore. And will continue to do so here.

- SnowballV really likes Spiderpig. I would not dream of arguing about this.

- Hurricane Dean might mess up our cruise plans to Jamaica. I will now be like many tourists and disregard the fact that it could also disrupt the lives and economy of the people who actually live there and might even cause loss of life as a result of the poor infrastructure that can not be avoided in poor countries like Jamaica.

- Somewhere, amidst the randomness, Ellen from Saint Louis reached 1000 posts.

- And we’re still working on our ABCs.

And that is that. I must now depart for some quality family time, since I currently don’t have the whole “living on my own with only dick-face roommates for company” excuse to spend all my time on the message board. Later chee-byes!

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